
2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级大地震,刹那间,那阳光明媚的四川顿时天昏地暗,天塌地陷。 谁将大地撕开,谁将山峦推到!那瞬间的嗡鸣像太平洋的海啸。生命的阳光被黑洞吞噬,我敬爱的老师,我可爱的同学,在求知的路上,你们遭遇死神的黑手。也许老师还在解答最后一道难题,来不及擦去黑板上最后的字迹。死神将你们从人间掠走,那冰冷的废墟,掩埋了梦想掩埋了青春年少。

At 14:28 May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake stroke Wenchuan county, Sichuan province. Just in a wink, the Sichuan in brilliant sunshine, suddenly fell into darkness and chaos, into a mess as like both the sky and the earth were sinking . Who the hell tore the earth up? And who the hell pushed the mountains down? That moment buzzes overwhelmed like tsunami in Pacific. And sunshine of life was swallowed up by a black hole in an instant, involving my dear teachers, and lovely classmates, who were still on the way for knowledges, whereas fell into the clutches of death. Probably the teachers were demonstrating how to answer the last question in their life, but could not afford time to wipe the last writing on the blackboard, but death robbed you all away, but left the world in cold ruins, with dreams buried, with youths buried.

in a wink一刹那间
the Sichuan in brilliant sunshine那个阳光明媚的四川
the hell语气助词,到底
swallowe up吞噬
the clutches of death死神的魔爪

第1个回答  2013-03-20
A 8.0-magnitude earthquake happened at 14:28 on May 12, 2008,in Wenchuan country of Sichuan province.
Suddenly,the sunny Sichuan province got into dark,and the hell crashing down on people.
Who tore the earth and pushed the mountains?
That moment buzzed like Pacific tsunami.
The sunshine of lives were swallowed by the black hole.
My dear teachers and classmates unluckily met with the death on their way to knowledge.
Maybe the teacher was answering the last difficult question and had no time to wipe the blackboard.
The death took your lives away from the world.
The cold ruins buried dreams and lives of youth.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-20
At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, a 8.0 -magnitude earthquake wenchuan county, sichuan province, in a flash, the sunny sichuan suddenly dark, the sky falls down on me. Who will tear the earth, who will be pushed to the mountains! That moment buzzes like Pacific tsunami. Life sunshine be swallowed up by the black hole, my dear teacher, lovely classmates, I on the way knowledge, a god of death to you. Maybe the teacher do last a difficult question to answer, can not afford time to wipe the blackboard writing at last. A god of death will be away from you, the ruins of the cold, buried buried young dream.
第3个回答  2013-03-20
Fourteen twenty-eight on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan, the twinkling of an eye, the sunny Sichuan was a murky sky over a dark earth, earth crumbles. Who will the earth torn, who will be pushed into the mountains! The instant buzz like the Pacific tsunami. The sunshine of life being sucked into a black hole, my dear teachers, my lovely classmates, in the way of knowledge, you encounter a black. Maybe the teacher still answer the last problem, too late to wipe the blackboard at last. Will be the death of you from the world of plunder, the cold ashes, buried buried the youth dream.

第4个回答  2013-03-20
2008年5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级大地震,刹那间,那阳光明媚的四川顿时天昏地暗,天塌地陷。 谁将大地撕开,谁将山峦推到!那瞬间的嗡鸣像太平洋的海啸。生命的阳光被黑洞吞噬,我敬爱的老师,我可爱的同学,在求知的路上,你们遭遇死神的黑手。也许老师还在解答最后一道难题,来不及擦去黑板上最后的字迹。死神将你们从人间掠走,那冰冷的废墟,掩埋了梦想掩埋了青春年少。
Fourteen twenty-eight on May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Sichuan, the twinkling of an eye, the sunny Sichuan was a murky sky over a dark earth, earth crumbles. Who will the earth torn, who will be pushed into the mountains! The instant buzz like the Pacific tsunami. The sunshine of life being sucked into a black hole, my dear teachers, my lovely classmates, in the way of knowledge, you encounter a black. Maybe the teacher still answer the last problem, too late to wipe the blackboard at last. Will be the death of you from the world of plunder, the cold ashes, buried buried the youth dream.