

School life really gives me a brand new inspiration of who I am going to be.学校生活真的为我未来成为什么样的人提供了灵感。

This moment will nap, you'll have a dream; but this moment study, you'll interpret a dream. 此刻打盹,你将做梦;此刻学习,你将圆梦。

I always keep optimistic even though sometimes homework can be very tedious, because I know it someday will turn out to be worthwhile.我一直保持乐观,尽管作业很无聊,因为我相信我做的最终会得偿所愿。

I used to hate my English teacher untill she told me about her story in America, in fact she's a very funny and charming person. 我以前讨厌我的英语老师,直到她讲了她在美国的见闻,我才知道她原来是如此的有趣和有魅力。

The oppotunity that I can deliver an address turns me from a withdrawn guy into an extrovert, which only happens in school. 只有学校才能提供这样的机会,让我演讲,并变得外向。

1 Learning is like rowing up-stream,not to advance but to drop back! The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult 学如逆水行舟,不进则退
2ou can get used to everywhere if you learn the mathes physics and chemistry well.
3Me and my friends gathered at the school gate after school.放学后和朋友在校门口汇合
4I well merry you after graduation,毕业后再娶你
5An idle youth a needy age
6The way with you一路伴你
7Refuse to tow the class拒绝拖课
9Freedom is not that you can do anything without limits不是你想做什么你就可以做什么