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The emergence of the green trade barrier has greatly hit the textile and clothing export enterprises of China; as a non-tariff trade barrier, it has become the tool of developed countries for setting trade restrictions. Textile and clothing export is one of the major forces of foreign exchange earning; in order to better deal with the green trade barrier, this paper firstly conducts an analysis on the present situation of the textile and clothing export enterprises; then by applying charts and data, it elaborates in detail the green trade barriers and the causes encountered by the export enterprises, and discusses the pros and cons of the impact of green trade barrier on the textile and clothing export enterprises.



In its opinion,the impacts brought by green trade barrier are: increase of export costs in the short term, weakening of the international competitiveness of the exporters, reduction in the amount of exports, slowdown of the export growth rate, market access barrier for China's textile and clothing exporters, and increase in export risk; but at the same time, it drives the establishment of environmental standard and promotes the popularization of the environmental label system, as well as optimizes the industrial structure and enhances the level of production technology of the textile export enterprises which is propitious to their adaptation to the international requirements.



In the long-term perspective,the green trade barrier is advantageous to the textile and clothing exporters of China. Finally, this paper describes in detail the countermeasures to green trade barrier from both the aspects of the government and the enterprises. It is the conclusion of the paper that the concerted efforts of both the government and enterprises are required to break through the green trade barrier; only by the cooperation of both sides can the maximum benefits be obtained in international trade.

第1个回答  2013-06-02
The emergence of green trade barriers, greatly impacted China's textile and garment export enterprises, which acts as a new type of non-tariff barriers to trade, trade restrictions has become a developed country setting tool. Textile and garment export is our country one of the main foreign exchange earnings, in order for it to better respond to the green trade barriers, the paper first on the textile and garment export enterprises analyzed the current situation, followed by the use of charts and data, China's textile and garment export enterprises suffered to the green trade barriers and causes a detailed exposition. Then from both sides discussed the green trade barriers on China's textile and garment export enterprises, the paper considered the impact of the green trade barriers are: the short term it will increase the cost of exports, China's textile and garment exports weakened the international competitiveness of enterprises, reduce exports, slowing export growth, and cause China's textile and garment export enterprises in market access barriers, increasing export risks; same time, it pushes the establishment of environmental standards, and promote environmental labeling system to promote and optimize the industrial structure to improve the production of textile export enterprises technological level, help the textile and garment export enterprises to better adapt to the international demands. A long-term perspective, the green trade barriers on China's textile and garment export enterprises is beneficial. Finally, respectively, from the government and enterprises, measures to deal with the green trade barriers eleven elaborate. Article, to break the green trade barriers, needs the joint efforts of the government and enterprises, and only two sides to join hands in order to get the maximum in international trade interests.
第2个回答  2013-06-02