


Text messages are as a kind of cultural,it also a community cultural.Outside the text message communication cannot hide the function of entertainment.The text message had its own features,it gives a lot of vital force and energy to school life.it also bring a big convenient to students,at the same time it show the disadvantage.
第1个回答  2008-05-18
The Thumb Culture(culture of short messages) is a kind of information culture, as well as a kind of culture of the masses. The surface of information exchange can hardly cover its entertainment inherence.The Thumb Culture has its own characteristics, which brings modern campus countless force and energy. It brings convinience to college students, while its shortcomings are emerging.
第2个回答  2008-05-18
SMS culture as a kind of information culture, is also a kind of mass culture. In the exchange of information under the cloak of their candidate of the nature of entertainment features. SMS has its own cultural characteristics and bring modern university campus unlimited vigor and vitality. It brings convenience to students, it also exposed the disadvantages.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-05-18
test message as a kind of information culture, is also a commonage culture. It couldn't cover up the essence of amusement under the communitation. Test message has it's own features. It brings the modern university's vital force and energy. it brings convinience to the students, while exposes its disadvantages