


Aimee Mann 的专辑《Smilers》里的歌曲《Freeway》
Freeway歌词 you've got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway
the road to orange country leaves an awful lot of leeway
where everyone’s a doctor or a specialist in retail
they’ll sell you all the speed you want if you can take the blackmail
you know it
i know it
why don’t you
just show it
you got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway
you got a lot of money but you can't afford the freeway
you've got a lot of money but you cannot get your bills paid
the sacrifice is worth it just to hang around the arcade
you found yourself a prophet but you left him on the boardwalk
another chocolate easter bunny,
hollowed out by your talk
you know it
i know it
why don’t you
just show it
you got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway
you got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway
and everything i do is wrong…
but at least i’m hanging on
you got a lot of money that you can’t afford
you got a lot of money that you can’t afford
you got a lot of money but you can’t afford the freeway
第1个回答  2008-08-27
aimee mann - freeway

aimee mann - freeway

you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
the road to orange county leaves an awful lot of leeway
where everyone's a doctor or a specialist in retail
they'll sell you all the speed you want if you can take the blackmail

you know it
i know it
why don't you
just show it?
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway

you got a lot of money, but you cannot keep your bills paid
the sacrifice is worth it just to hang around the arcade
you found yourself a prophet, but you left him on the boardwalk
another chocolate easter bunny, hollowed out by your talk

you know it
i know it
why don't you
just show it?
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway

and everything i do is wrong
but at least i'm hanging on

you got a lot of money, but you can't afford
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
you got a lot of money, but you can't afford the freeway
you got a lot of money, but you
can't afford
you got a lot of money, but you
can't afford

这首歌是《回娘家》。《回娘家》-邓丽君 填词:孙仪 谱曲:汤尼 风吹着杨柳嘛 唰啦啦啦啦啦 小河里水流 得儿 哗啦啦啦啦啦 谁家的媳妇 她走得忙又忙呀 原来她要回娘家 身穿大红袄 头戴一枝花 胭脂和香粉她的脸上擦 左手一只鸡 右手一只鸭 身上还背着一个胖娃娃呀 咿呀咿得儿喂 一片...

原唱:张杰 谱曲\/作曲:许嵩 作词:(清)梁启超\/二水 编曲:柒玖 专辑:经典咏流传 第7期 发行时间:2018年3月23日 音乐总监:刘卓 乐团:V Band 合唱:北京快乐小鱼艺术团\/丰台二中附属实验小学“小水滴”合唱团 出品:行星文化 完整歌词:合唱团:少年智则国智 少年富则国富 少年强则国强 少年自...

歌名是《夜夜夜夜》。1、《夜夜夜夜》是中国台湾歌手齐秦1996年原唱的一首歌曲,由熊天平作词、作曲,王豫民编曲。收录于1996年12月4日发行的专辑《丝路》中。2、歌词:想问天你在哪里,我想问问我自己 一开始我聪明,结束我聪明 聪明得几乎都毁掉了我自己 想问天问大地,或者是迷信问问宿命 放弃所有...

歌曲原唱:乌兰图雅 所属专辑:《醉美草原》歌词:瓦蓝蓝的天上飞雄鹰,我在高岗眺望北京 侧耳倾听母亲的声音,放眼欲穿崇山峻岭 绿波波的草场骏马行,我在草原歌唱北京 谁的眼睛略过了风景,迎风高唱五星红旗 我站在草原望北京,一望无际国泰安宁 唱出草原的豪情和美丽,让这歌声回荡紫禁 我站在草原...

歌名:《天下》填词:周毅 谱曲:刘吉宁 歌曲原唱:张杰 烽烟起 寻爱似浪淘沙 遇见她 如春水映梨花 挥剑断天涯 相思轻放下 梦中我 痴痴牵挂 顾不顾将相王侯 管不管万世千秋 求只求爱化解 这万丈红尘纷乱永无休 爱更爱天长地久 要更要似水温柔 谁在乎谁主春秋 一生有爱 何惧风飞沙 悲...

歌曲:《赤伶》原唱:HITA 填词:清彦 谱曲:李建衡 歌词:戏一折,水袖起落 唱悲欢唱离合,无关我 扇开合,锣鼓响又默 戏中情戏外人,凭谁说 惯将喜怒哀乐都融入粉墨,陈词唱穿又如何 白骨青灰皆我,乱世浮萍忍看烽火燃山河 位卑未敢忘忧国,哪怕无人知我 台下人走过,不见旧颜色 台上人唱...

歌曲原唱:麦洁文 填 词:刘卓辉 谱 曲:黄家驹 千杯酒已喝下去都不醉,何况秋风秋雨 几多不对说在你口里,但也不感触一句 泪眼已吹干,无力再回望 山不再崎岖,但背影伴你疲累相对 沙不怕风吹,在某天定会凝聚 若我可再留下来,迫不得已唱下去的歌里 还有多少心碎,可否不要往后再倒退...

这首歌的名字是:《好日子》,是由车行作词、李昕作曲,歌手宋祖英演唱的一首歌曲。收录于宋祖英1998年1月8日发行的专辑《好日子》 。完整歌词:哎 开心的锣鼓敲出年年的喜庆 好看的舞蹈送来天天的欢腾 阳光的油彩涂红了今天的日子哟 生活的花朵是我们的笑容 哎 今天是个好日子 心想的事儿都能成 ...

《开不了口》原唱:周杰伦 作词:徐若瑄 作曲:周杰伦 歌词:才离开没多久就开始 担心今天的你过得好不好 整个画面是你 想你想的睡不着 嘴嘟嘟那可爱的模样 还有在你身上香香的味道 我的快乐是你 想你想的都会笑 没有你在我有多难熬 (没有你在我有多难熬多烦恼)没有你烦我有多烦恼 (没有...

1. 《李香兰》这首歌曲是1991年富士电视台30周年纪念电视剧《Sayonara!李香兰》的主题曲,原唱者是张学友。2. 李香兰是上世纪三四十年代活跃在中国的日本歌手和演员。她的日文名字是山口淑子,而“李香兰”则是她的艺名。3. 自1931年日本侵占中国东北并成立伪满洲国起,李香兰便在满洲电影制片厂担任女...
