

Hi Xi,
Welcome to your new look eBill from 3
Please find attached your latest 3 eBill. It includes all voice calls, SMS, Planet 3 Content and Mobile Web data used over the past month. If there is more than one mobile or mobile broadband service on your account, all services will appear on the same eBill.

How do I pay my eBill or check my account?
You can login to My 3 online to manage your account or sign up to Direct Debit.

You can sign up to pay by Direct Debit or update your existing Direct Debit details with My 3 online

> Find the payment method that suits you best

Having problems viewing your eBill?
> Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free

Important Information
If you have requested any account or service data related to your invoice you will find these files attached. Please note that any such files are for information purposes only and may be incomplete. Your PDF eBill is the actual invoice and details bill payment amounts and due dates. The appearance of your eBill may be affected by factors beyond 3's control such as your own computer equipment, email provider or other conditions.

你好,这个应该是手机营运商‘3’发来的手机话费电子月结单。 你本人应该是在国外和‘3’签的手机合同,在申请时,你应该是填了你的电子邮件的地址并钩选了‘希望通过邮件形式受到月结单’的选项,所以你才受到由‘3’发来的邮件。你可以到任意一家'3'的手机店去更改收月结单的方式。

第1个回答  2020-10-07

