

Thank you for your e-mail.Now let me tell you about seasons in my hometown.There are four seasons in my home town,they are sprin, summer, fall and winter .spring is the warmmest in a year.It is a windy and rainy season.Summer is the hottest season in a year, people often go swimming in summer.Fall is a harvest and busy season in a year.All the farmers are very busy in the fields. the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter. farmers are very happy with their good harvest in fall.Winter is the coldest season in a year.It snows a lot in my hometown.We have a lot of intereting sports in winter.
It is a good time to go travelling in fall. The weather gets cooler,when you go to the field , you will see leaves on the tree are turning from yellow into red, the whole world is a colorful world.追问

