
经 确认有8个零件目前材料仓无库存,无法领料
以上 2句话

经 确认有8个零件目前材料仓无库存,无法领料
After confirmation,there are 8 components out of stock in material warehouse so can't be giving out materials

Pls advise if we supply all the items when materials reach us or not these materials of those 8 compents this time.
第1个回答  2008-09-20
After confirming there are currently 8 parts warehouse with stock materials can not be expected to lead

I would like to ask is, and so when there is expected to provide or not the provision of several expected this?
第2个回答  2008-09-20
after confirming, 8 parts is out of stock in our warehouse,so we can't provide it.
please give your advice, can we provide it after our supplier deliver the goods or don't provide it at the moment.
第3个回答  2008-09-20
There are 8 components after the confirmation,the material bunker does not have the stock at present, is unable to get the material.
I would like to ask is, and so when there is expected to provide or not provide the few
第4个回答  2008-09-20
After checking, we find that 8pcs of parts are out of stock. Should we supply them to you when available?

问他们 请问是等有料时再提供吗
