The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many ev...
1. The Eiffel Tower, soaring high above the city, is a symbol of Paris. Completed in 1889, it stands at a height of 320 meters.2. Paris, the capital of France, is a city that seamlessly blends the old with the new. It is filled with historical landmarks and offers a ...
After all ,France is a crush to a lot of visitors.
法国 国名: 法兰西共和国 (The Republic of France) 国名由法兰克部落之名演变而来,意为“勇敢的”“自由的” 国庆日:7月14日(1880年议会立法确认攻克巴士底狱日为国庆节以纪念法国资产阶级大革命) 国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。旗面由三个平行且相等的竖长方形构成,从左至右分别...
therefore France was given the name of “ Kingdom of Cheese”.法国是在欧洲的中心与总面积五十五万一平方公里和人口5750.0万。法国边界对意大利,瑞士和摩纳哥在东部和德国,比利时和卢森堡在东北部和西班牙,安道尔在西南地区和英格兰向西北。法国是对称的六边形。其三,两岸近海和三方都附近的土地。其...
beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.法国是一个西欧国家。它的邻国包括比利时、西班牙、德国等。法国以首都巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔著名。法国也是世界上顶端的香水和其他时尚化妆品的产地。许多到巴黎的旅游者最重视它的艺术博物馆和历史古迹。
用英语介绍法国 法国,全称为法兰西共和国,现在是法兰西第五共和国,位于欧洲西部,与比利时、卢森堡、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔和西班牙接壤,隔英吉利海峡与英国隔海相望。法国是第一次世界大战的主要战胜国之一,虽在第二次世界大战中期战败且沦陷于德国,但在国际上仍然有一定的影响力,因而成为...
country in Europe and the largest country in Western Europe.法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:French Republic),简称“法国”(France),是一个本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家。
法国 A country of western Europe on the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel. It was settled by the Franks after the retreat of the Romans, who had conquered Celtic Gaul in 58-51 b.c. Charlemagne made it the center of his Empire of the West after a.d. 800. In the ...
you can visit the Alexandre Dumas novel "Count of Monte Cristo," too, portrayed in the prison - Fort Qi Yifu. The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide. Principal "Bordeaux red wine" as the world's wine, "Queen", a bottle of aged wine...