老人与海英文的读后感 100字 翻译

求翻译 大致模板和中心思想是这样的

以上 请尽量用地道的用词翻译。最好没有什么语法错误,谢谢大家。好的话我会加分。

Lions represent courage, strength, is a symbol of the king,Elderly people often dream of a lion on the desire for elderly to live like a lion in the strong,will not be defeated.The spirit of the elderly will never be defeated, because the elderly have the courage to face difficulties, failure and even death,.even if failure comes, we should hold do not give up, admit defeat, not the spirit back to face failure. Although no less than old Marlins, but the old man in spirit has won, he was determined to endure any suffering beyond the limits.
Even if destroyed, nor can it be conquered! Life itself is a kind of endless pursuit. It's way long, difficult and full of obstacles, but if he tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, will always be a real winner!
第1个回答  2012-08-23
"The old man and the sea" this book about such a story: the Cuban old fisherman Santiago continuous eighty-four days without fish and by other fishermen as a loser, but his perseverance, and finally caught a big marlin, the big marlin will his boat on the sea tow three genius exhausted, was he killed tied to the side of the boat, on the return journey again and again was the shark attacks, he tried every means to counterattack. Back to port only head fish and a backbone. Although fish have been bite, but nothing can impair his heroic will.
San Diego is a poor old man. Hemingway to refined language shaped the image, can say, Hemingway did not give the old man to the top, but it gives the old man under pressure to elegant and tough image. In the future, I no matter what difficulty we meet, are confident to face, persevere to the end and never retreat. I want to thank the book, thank it let I learned so much knowledge, thank it let me know so many reasons, thank it let me know my own shortcomings, to rectify their own shortcomings, causes me to become a useful person in society.
A real strong, can be destroyed but not defeated wei did not give the old man to the top, but it gives the old man under pressure to elegant and tough image.
