

第1个回答  2012-07-06
Guangdong and Shanghai hotel don't have arranged, and I want to know that in August 2012, Japan's hotel cannot arrange, that now you can determine what the city for the hotel, please let us know your specific. Because, if can't know the specific arrangement, I'm afraid we can't sign the contract, please you understand.
So, I think again this contract is first temporarily not sending, but if during this time you in contact of the cost of coordination hotel happened, we would like to give added, please inform cost. Of course, longer, I think in the future we must have chance to work together.
第2个回答  2012-07-06
You do not need to reserve hotel of Guangzhou and Shanghai.And I want to know which hotel you can arrange if original plan can not be carried out.Please give me a specific notice.
I am sorry to say that if I do not know the specific arrangement ,maybe we can not sign this contract.Please you can understand.
Therefore,taking above-mentioned factors into consideration,I decide not to send the contract temporarily.We are willing to pay the fee which you cost in coordinating hotels in the period.Please tell me the expenditure.Of course,I believe that we will have opportunity to cooperate in the future,