


The skin care products in the domestic market, is the first marketing model shop at the mall or the establishment of a special counter until Avon, Wei-tzu such an international brand with its unique marketing model into the Chinese market, we started noticing skin care Commodities of the importance of marketing mode. However, there are many skin care brand is not because the poor quality of their products and withdraw from the market, but because its not form a complete, and its products suitable for the marketing mode to support its development.
This paper seeks to explore ways to find a skin care marketing its best model portfolio, cultivating their own core competitiveness, so that consumers concern, understanding, acceptance and brand loyalty generated, in order to achieve the life cycle of skin care products extension.
In this paper, through a combination of theory and practice, and skin care products from the current market and consumer demand factors starting with skin care market has been the main marketing mode, which identify the problems and propose solutions. Skin care products market forecast of the future trend of development, has broken through the traditional marketing model, the bold ideas of a new marketing model. Without a marketing mode is the most perfect, but in line with its own attributes of skin care products marketing model is the best.