
大侠们,首先深感歉意,我一个财富值都没有了,只能拜托大侠们帮帮忙,帮我翻译几个句子,好人一生平安,大侠们一定会生活幸福美满的。 我是一名山东考生,高考在即可英语实是不尽人意,我只好找了几个万能句子,希望大侠们可以帮我用英语翻译出来,要求就是一定不能有语法错误,因为我是准备考场用的,至此我再次谢谢大侠们,下面我贴出几个句子吧:(背景是,我收到一个朋友来信,他说他即将来找我,我回个信给他) ①:很高兴收到你的来信,我从信里得知你即将来我家,对此我感到非常高兴。②:如果你还有其它要求请回信告知我,我一定会尽我所能帮你去做。③:期待你的到来,期待我们相见的一天。(第二类,环境保护节约型)④:在超市买东西,我们应该尽量少用塑料袋。⑤:在生活中,我们应该节约用水。⑥:对自己严格要求,做一个为环保做贡献的人。(投诉类,对某某服务员态度不满)⑦:尊敬的经理,昨日我在贵店购买东西时,1号服务员的态度极其恶劣,对此我想要投诉1号服务员。⑧我对1号服务员态度感到非常生气,希望经理可以对此事给我一个满意答复。(就说这么多吧,如果大侠们还有更好的万能句子,更希望大侠们可以给予小弟,小弟就在此谢过了)

①:I am very glad to hear from you, and I feel so happy to learn from your letter that you are about to visit my house.
②:If you have any other requirments, plase write back to me. I would do my best to help you.
③:Look forward to your arrival and look forward to the day we meet.
④:We should do our best to reduce the use of plastic bags during shopping in the market.
⑤:We should save water in our daily life.
⑥:Be strict on our own to do a contibution to enviroment protection.
⑦:Dear manager, when I shopped in your store yesterday, the manner of the 1st attendant was extremly bad. So I want to complaint him for his attitude.
⑧:I feel realy angry for the attitude of the 1st attendant. I am looking forward to a satisfactory answer from you (the manager).
第1个回答  2012-05-22
I am happy to recevie you letter and know that you will come to home that is a wonderfull for us.
please write to me if you have any thing need me to prepare before you come here.
Looking forward see you

Please don't use plastic bag when we do shopping in market.
Please don't make the water running while you are brushing you teeth.
We should do anything that better for our enviroment and should not do anything that demaged our enviroments.

Dear manager, please I would like draw you attention on the No 1 staff in your shop as she gave me every bad service.

I hope manage get me a explaination for the bad service from No 1 staff in soonest manner.