
我没有积分,,但是希望知道的高手帮助我一下!真的谢谢啦!!最好是不要用翻译器,我们老师会看出来! 兴趣在人的实践活动中具有重要的意义。兴趣可以使人集中注意,产生愉快紧张的心理状态。电影,是我们日常生活中经常接触到,丰富了我们的生活,充实了我们的思想,是我们生活的加油站和指南针,一部好的电影可以使我学到很多,当我累了的时候可以看部电影放松一下,当我无聊的时候,让电影来充实我的时间,电影会引起对生活和生命的思考,当我看完一部好的电影的时候,会与电影引起共鸣,电影是一种娱乐方式,一种艺术形式,更是生活中不可缺少的一部分。关于电影的概念可能是这样的,一种综合艺术,用强灯光把拍摄的形象连续放映在银幕上,看起来像实在活动的形象。一次巧合,电影诞生了,可能连电影的发明者卢米埃尔兄弟都没有想到过,电影会给人们带来这么巨大的影响。电影由原来的单一的放映方式随着科技的进步逐渐出现了超大银幕电影,动感球幕电影,水幕电影,环幕电影,立体电影,p2p网络电影等等,这一切都反映了人们对电影的需要,而各地的电影节和电影奖项如,英国电影学院奖,威尼斯国际电影节,日本东京国际电影节,柏林国际电影节,戛纳电影节,上海国际电影节,韩国釜山国际电影节等极大地促进了人们通过电影对与文化的交流与展示。电影明星的出现,使得荧幕上的形象和人物的塑造显得更加的专业,而电影在拍摄过程中全世界的取景和上映仪式,也极大的带动了地区的经济发展。 看韩国电影的过程中你会感到好像自己也在其中一样,这就是韩国电影的独特之处.我很欣赏韩国的电影。韩国电影里面的一些故事情节,感人至深,让我不自觉的融入到了电影里面,摇身一变办成了电影里面的主人公,让我从一个旁观者一下子变为了电影的参与者,作为一个旁观者和一个参与者差别是很大的,无论是对电影的理解还是看完电影后自己的想法和感悟都是有着巨大区别的。 电影是艺术,具有三种功能:娱乐功能、审美功能和教育功能。实现这些功能最好的办法就是寓教育于娱乐,寓教育于审美。 人们的兴趣都不同,假如兴趣能够成为推动工作和活动的动力,其效果就是积极的,假如兴趣仅仅是一种向往,而不能产生实际效果,它就是消极的。希望有越来越多的人跟我一样,把电影当作自己的兴趣。

Interest in the human's practice is of great significance. Interest to focus and produce happy nervous psychological state. The movie, is our daily life often contact to, enrich our life and enrich our thoughts, life is to the gas station and a compass, a good movie can make me learn a lot, and when I'm tired of the time can see a movie to relax, when I bored, let movie to enrich my time, the movie can cause to the life and the life of thinking, when I read a good movie, and the movie will resonate, the movie is a kind of entertainment, a kind of art form, is the indispensable part in life. The concept of about a movie might that be, a comprehensive art, with strong light captures continuous projected the image on the screen, it looks like the activities of the image. A coincidence, the film was born, and may even the inventor of the brothers lumiere films are no thought of, the film will bring people so huge influence. Movie from originally of a single screening way with the progress of science and technology gradually appeared large screen movie, move feeling of ball movie, the water curtain movie, HuanMu movies, three-dimensional film, p2p network movies, etc, all this reflects people's need for the movie, and the film festival and all over film awards such as, the British academy, Venice international film festival, Tokyo international film festival, Berlin international film festival, cannes film festival, the Shanghai international film festival, busan international film festival, greatly promote the people through the movie to and cultural exchanges and display. Movie stars appear, makes the screen image and character molding appear more professional, and the film in the filming process in the world, and the release ceremony, also greatly contributed to the development of the local economy. See the Korean film process, you will feel as if I was among them, this is the character of the Korean film. I appreciate South Korea movie. The inside of the Korean film some story, touching, let me not conscious in the movie, and suddenly into the movie hero, let me from a bystander suddenly into the movie the participants, as a bystander and a participant is very big difference, both on the understanding of the movie or when the movie is his idea and comprehension are has huge difference. The movie is art, has three functions: entertainment function, aesthetic function and education function. The best way to achieve these functions is to combine education in entertainment, containing the education in aesthetic. People's interest is different, if interest can become to promote the power of work and activities, its effect is positive, if interest is only a yearning, and can't produce practical effect, it's negative. I hope that more and more people like me, the movie as their own interest.
第1个回答  2012-05-16
Interest in the human's practice is of great significance. Interest to focus and produce happy nervous psychological state. The movie, is our daily life often contact to, enrich our life and enrich our thoughts, life is to the gas station and a compass, a good movie can make me learn a lot, and when I'm tired of the time can see a movie to relax, when I bored, let movie to enrich my time, the movie can cause to the life and the life of thinking, when I read a good movie, and the movie will resonate, the movie is a kind of entertainment, a kind of art form, is the indispensable part in life. The concept of about a movie might that be, a comprehensive art, with strong light captures continuous projected the image on the screen, it looks like the activities of the image. A coincidence, the film was born, and may even the inventor of the brothers lumiere films are no thought of, the film will bring people so huge influence. Movie from originally of a single screening way with the progress of science and technology gradually appeared large screen movie, move feeling of ball movie, the water curtain movie, HuanMu movies, three-dimensional film, p2p network movies, etc, all this reflects people's need for the movie, and the film festival and all over film awards such as, the British academy, Venice international film festival, Tokyo international film festival, Berlin international film festival, cannes film festival, the Shanghai international film festival, busan international film festival, greatly promote the people through the movie to and cultural exchanges and display. Movie stars appear, makes the screen image and character molding appear more professional, and the film in the filming process in the world, and the release ceremony, also greatly contributed to the development of the local economy. See the Korean film process, you will feel as if I was among them, this is the character of the Korean film. I appreciate South Korea movie. The inside of the Korean film some story, touching, let me not conscious in the movie, and suddenly into the movie hero, let me from a bystander suddenly into the movie the participants, as a bystander and a participant is very big difference, both on the understanding of the movie or when the movie is his idea and comprehension are has huge difference. The movie is art, has three functions: entertainment function, aesthetic function and education function. The best way to achieve these functions is to combine education in entertainment, containing the education in aesthetic. People's interest is different, if interest can become to promote the power of work and activities, its effect is positive, if interest is only a yearning, and can't produce practical effect, it's negative. I hope that more and more people like me, the movie as their own interest. 嗯,就这样!~
第2个回答  2012-05-17
Interest in the person's practice has important significance. Interest can make people focus attention, to produce good psychological state of tension. The film, are often encountered in our daily life, to enrich our life, make our thought, our lives is a gas station and a compass, and a good film can make me learn a lot, when I tired you can watch a movie to relax, when I'm boring, let the movie to enrich my time, the film will cause the life and Thoughts on life, when I read a good film, and the film cause resonance, the film is a form of entertainment, an art form, it is the indispensable part in life. About the film 's concept may be such, an integrated arts, with strong light captures an image of continuous projected on the screen, looks like is the activity profile. A coincidence, the film was born, perhaps even the Lumiere brothers film the inventor is not thought of before, the film will bring great influence. The film from the original single show with the progress of science and technology gradually appearing in an IMAX movie, dynamic spherical screen film, the movie, the movie screen, three-dimensional film, P2P film and so on, all this reflects the needs of people on film, and around the film festival and Film Awards, British Academy Film awards, Venice International Film Festival, Tokyo International Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival has greatly promoted the people through the film with the cultural exchange and display. The film star appeared, the screen image and characters appear more professional, and the film in the process of filming the whole world view and release ceremony, also greatly boosted the economy of the area grows. See the Korean movie in the process you will feel as if you are one in, it is the Korean film is unique. I appreciate the film of korea. Korean film inside some of the story, touching to deep, let me unconsciously into the movie, morphs into the movie hero, let me from a bystander turned to film actors, as a spectator and a participant is a big difference, either for the movie understanding or after the movie his thoughts and feeling is a huge difference between. Film is art, and has three functions: entertaining function, aesthetic function and educational function. The best way to realize these features is to combine education with entertainment, aesthetic education. People's interests are different, if interest can be driven to work and activities of the force, the effect is positive, if the interest is merely a longing, but no practical effect, it is negative. I hope that more and more people like me, the film as his own interest.