

第1个回答  2012-11-12
It's said that the story happened in the early years after the foundation of the Republic of China (1912-1949). 据说,故事发生在民国建立以后的头几年里。
There was a Butcher Wang in Ciqikou, Chongqing. 在重庆瓷器口有一个王屠夫。
Every day he sold entrails with a low price, which his wife, Wang Zhangshi thought as a sacrificing. 每天,他低价卖出杂碎,而他妻子王张氏认为这是亏本。
So she made a roadside stand selling chop suey soup. 所以她在街边摆摊,卖杂碎汤。
First, she make a basic soup with pig's head, bones and peas. 首先,她用猪头肉、骨头和豌豆做汤底。
Then she added pig's lungs, intestines, ginger, zanthoxylum bungeanum and cooking wine in, and allowed the soup to simmer gently. 然后她加入猪肺、猪肠、姜、花椒和料酒,而且让汤在小火上煨炖。
The soup tasted delicious. 这汤很美味。
Later on, she added fresh coagulated pig blood which was also called "Xuewang" in Chinese. 后来,她加入新鲜的凝固的猪血,这用汉语叫“血旺”。
It was surprised that the more the soup simmered, more delicate the blood became and more delicious it tasted. 很令人惊讶,汤越煮,猪血越嫩,味道越好。
This blood Wang Zhangshi chose was different from the usual kind that was sold in the market. 王张氏选择的猪血和常见的市场卖的那种不一样。
It was made of fresh blood by rapid coagulating and was cruder and more chopped. 它是新鲜猪血快速凝固而成,而且更粗糙更碎。
So it was called "Mao Xuewang" in Chinese. 所以在汉语里它叫“毛血旺”。
"Mao" is from Chongqing dialect with the meaning of crude and careless. “毛”是重庆方言,意思是粗糙的,马虎的。
