

你曾经告诉我 ,只要一直倒着走,就能够回到过去。

1 You have once told me that as long as you walk on your head, you can go back to the past. / You have once told me that as long as you walk backwards, you can return to the past.

2 Where on earth have you been?

-------- 倒着走-------有两种解释:
1 脚朝天走 / 头朝地走-------walk on one's head
2 人站著,脚步向後迈-------walk backwards
第1个回答  2012-10-26
You ever told me that, if I walked backwards, i was able to return to the past.
Where on earth have you been ?本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-26
你曾经告诉我 ,只要一直倒着走,就能够回到过去。
You have told me that I could return to the past if I walked backward.

Where the hell have you been to?
Where the hell did you go?
第3个回答  2012-10-26
You told me ,as long as walking backwards, we'll be back to the past.
but at the end of it, where have you gone?
第4个回答  2012-10-26
you once told me ,but i think we walk ,we can go back in time .
so what,you went where?