
2001年,戴尔曾荣获《首席执行官》杂志“2001年度首席执行官”、《Inc》杂志“年度企业家”、《PC Magazine》杂志“年度风云人物”、《Worth》杂志“美国商界最佳首席执行官”,《金融世界》和《工业周刊》杂志“年度首席执行官”等称号。
戴尔公司目前名列《财富》杂志500家的第48位, 《财富》全球500家的第154位。自1995年起,戴尔公司一直名列《财富》杂志评选的“最受仰慕的公司”,2001年排名第10位。

第1个回答  2019-08-15
第2个回答  2019-01-18
第3个回答  2019-08-27
第4个回答  2007-12-16
Dell in 1965 was born to Houston, his father was a dentist, the motheris a manager.
In 1983, Dell entered Texas University, became a famous doctor studypreparatory course to live.
In 1983 18 year-old Texas University newborn Mike Dell opened isselling the white valuable horse automobile which the newspaper mademoney buys to go to the school registration, on the vehicle back seatis suspending three personal computings. In year, he excavated a lowprice from IBM dealer there to stock with goods the channel, was lowerthan the general retail price in his university dormitory the price tosell.
In 1984,19 year-old Dell brought the deep love to leave school to thecomputer, founded own company, the Dell computer company.
In October, 1987, Dell depended upon his excellent guts and the keenfeeling, fell suddenly in the stock market in the situation massivelyswallowed the excellent stock, second year he has then made a profit18 million US dollars. This year, he only has 23 years old, he startedto the success to step out to be solid first step.
In 1987, the year only 21 year-old Mike Dell is evaluated by theAmerican institute entrepreneur association 1986 year youthsentrepreneur.
In 1991, the Dell Corporation's sales volume amounted to 800 millionUS dollars.
In 1992 he gave the company the market share surely to be located 1.5billion US dollars, but the result actually greatly surpassed Dell'sexpectation, the Dell Corporation's sales volume unexpectedly brokethrough 2 billion US dollars.
In 1992, the Mike Dell being selected magazine, became in the global500 strong enterprises youngest CEO.
In 1997, in 1998 and in 1999, he all is "Business journal" to evaluate"the year best 25 manager" in. Hyde 里克 (Heidrick) and Si Zhuoge Si(Struggles) and so on well-known high-level manager 猎头公司called Dell is "the rich influence chief executive officer".
In 2001, Dell once had the honor to receive "Chief executive officer"the magazine "2001 year chief executive officer", "Inc" the magazine"the year entrepreneur", "PC Magazine" the magazine "the year man ofthe hour", "Worth" the magazine "the American business circle bestchief executive officer", "Financial World" and "Industry Weekly"magazine "year chief executive officer" and so on title.
In the world leader which in 2003 is evaluated in 2003 business circle10 tremendous influences character and most receives respects all tobe allowed to see "Dell" two characters. In had after the wealth, heand the wife has established a fund, is the child philanthropy butdiligently.
In 1989, he first time visited Shenzhen.
On May 26, 2004, Beijing. The Michael Dell visits China once more.
The Dell company at present is Fortune magazine 500 48th, Fortuneglobal 500 154th. From 1995, the Dell company continuously was "thecompany which Fortune the magazine evaluation most received admires",in 2001 placed 10th.本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2019-11-21