

1嗨,杰克 Hi, Jack.
2嗨,汤姆,很高兴见到你 Hi, Tom. Very pleased to see you.
1我也是,你也喜欢旅游吗?Me too. Do you like traveling too?
2不,我不喜欢,我是跟随父母来的 No, not me. I come here with my parents.
1哦,我非常喜欢旅游。这是我假期里最重要的娱乐。你呢?Oh, I like traveling very much. It is my most important entertainment in the vacation.
2我不喜欢旅游,但是我喜欢运动,特别是篮球 I don't like travelling, but I like exercising, especially the baskeball.
1哦!我也是,等旅游结束后一起去打篮球吧。Oh! So do I. Let's play basketball after the trip.
2好的,再见,OK. Bye.
1再见 Bye.
第1个回答  2012-06-03
1. Hi, Jack
2.Hi, Tom. Nice to see you.
1. Me too. Do you like travelling?
2.No, I don't. I come with my parents.
1. Oh. I like travelling very much. It's the most important entertainment in my holliday. How about you?
2. I don't enjoy travelling, but I like sports, especially basketball.
1. Oh! Me too! Let's play basketball after the travelling.
2. Ok, bye!
1. Byebye.
第2个回答  2012-06-03
B:Hi,Tom. Nice to meet you.
A:Me too,do you like traveling too?
B:No, I don't, I followed my parents to here.
A:Oh, I like traveling very much, it is my most important entertainment in the vacation. and you?
B:I don't like traveling, but I like the sports,especially the basketball.
A:Oh! Me too,let's play the basketball together when the vacation is over.
B:Ok, see you later.
A:see you later.
第3个回答  2012-06-03
hello jack
hello ,tom,glad to see you
so do i ,do you like travelling as well?
no ,i don't ,i come here with my parents
i like travelling very much.it is the most important thing in the holidy. how about you?
i don't like travelling ,but i like sports ,especially basketball
so do i ,after the travelling ,let's go to play the basketball together
ok ,bye
see you本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2012-06-03
1: Hi, Jack.
2: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you.
1: Nice to meet you too. Do you also like to travel?
2: No, I don't. I just follow my parents.
1: I love traveling very much. It's my most important joy in vacation. And what's yours?
2: I prefer to do sports rather than travel. Especially basketball.
1: Oh, I love it too. Maybe we can play together after journey.
2: Good, bye.
1: Bye-bye.