
昨天我在街上遇见了多年未见的好朋友,她发生了很大的变化。写一篇短文说她的变化及原因过去:个子不高,短发,不戴眼镜,话语不多,不爱运动、身体不好!现在:个子很高,长还带卷,戴眼镜,健谈、外向,健康、强壮! 第一个将被采纳,快快快

yesterday,I came across a freind,who I have not seen for many years .In my memory,she was a short girl,but she is tall now.She has long hair and wear glasses,but she had short hair and didn't wear glasses in the past.I seldom talked to her before,as she always shy and seldom talked to others.However,I talked a lot with her yesterday.I find that she is good at talking now.To my surprise,she now like sport which she hated in the past.Many years ago,I am a strong one and she is a weak one.But now she is stronger than me.she change a lot.