the Centre for Language and Communication at Cardiff University, Wales, UK. Her research addresses
various aspects of language and social identity, including discourse-analytic studies of health andaging, media representations, and discourses of the body. Her books include Small Talk, the Handbookof Communication and Aging Research (with Jon Nussbaum), and Language, Society and the Elderly(with Nik Coupland and Howard Giles). The author would like to thank June Church for her commentson an earlier draft of this manuscript and Judith Davies for access to some of the data.
Copyright © 2000 International Communication Association
1、每个人都应该认真履行自己的职责 everybody should perform his duty.2、如果能开车去的话,我们能省下很多的时间。we can save a lot of time if we could drive there 3、专家们特别强调了保护环境的重要性。the experts especially emphasized the importance of protecting the environment.4、...
1 A car stopped me when i was walking on the street.2 We all study foreign languages,such as English,France and Japanese.3 I think good freinds should share weal and woe with me.4 Though we usually argue for something,we are still good friends.5 He always cares for others...
Is it possible to get my belt a bit longer?6. 我要五分熟的牛排.I want the beef half cooked, please.
B: 好吧,我接受FPA险种。
请帮我翻译一下这封信,各位英语高手~(中译英 不要机译)
When you see my letter to you, you have a bar in Austria. I did not expect you to the information so soon after you left. really sad,At that time so early, I do not get up. Originally said the other day and go shopping, is really a pity. And so you come back ...
Career Development Center.
(1) 男老师用Sir,女老师用Miss。英语中跟老师交谈时不会称对方为teacher——很多人都犯这个错误。(2) 瘦瘦的肉包子用户说得没错。为了好好表达出原句中的“就”,在because前加个just会比较好。(3)“专业译成”profession绝对不对——没有人会这样说的。因为不知道B上的是中学\/大学还是别的,...
place is().When we got there, there was raining.Walking on there is very special.There is a quiet big lake in it. It's our capital-Beijing!An old and beautiful city. 有些地名我不知道 大致翻译成这样 差不多了 你再自己的话加点就够了 ...
Thank you. I risked being friends think shame on you risk please friends help. May I ask who can marry me or who can help me to look for a daughter-in-law? The demand is not high, then as an understanding wife and loving mother type. To care for the filial parents can...
My manager did not know whether you have counted if you come to China for a few months all the necessary cost about how much.My manager worrys that if you do not bring enough money, then you might not be able to pay your own in China during the past few months the cost,...