

One, the student goes to (62.0%) delighted English learning from English habit and the way student
by the fact that our investigation , we discover a most in the classroom. This explains that
schoolmates have deep interest to English studying. In asking about and " to self English if level
schoolmate having 70.1% to self English level fault when satisfied ", feels very satisfied. And
this one result indicates the great majority students foreign language studying effect insufficient
ideals, demand of them to self thinks that self can compose much better in the field of foreign
language quite high , common. Taking up the option before two is that hearing and grammar apply
subsequently when English knowledge been good at by self being reached " quilt asking about". This
one result explains that schoolmates' ABC is still very solid (account for 52.1% and 25.4%
respectively) , hearing aspect training effect is also very good and. This very big degree's have
strengthened the exchange ability studying. Behind the meaning that the other party expresses
because of being going to be able to listen to clearly first, ability correct composing puts up an
answer. In proceed to ask about in studying reaching " self,when requiring that the ability which
aspect to reinforce cultivates ", 53.7%'s schoolmate chooses spoken language "". This reports out ,
the old problem is still existence although our foreign language teaching has been improving
ceaselessly. But many students can understand , can finish white out article, unable very good sum
other people carries out exchange ". The problem difficult to begin to speak " is still very grave.
This is to need the aspect taking seriously and reinforcing. At the same time it can be seen, much
all extraordinary hope of student is able to own fluent spoken English. They are all hoped making
being able to listen to , can say Chinese foreigner who can write "". During the period of the
investigation studying and studying habit's to English classroom, we discover many habit being in
the same school having already formed fine studying , are having no few problem at the same time
also. Investigation middle discovers , schoolmate that can take notes on self's own initiative on
the classroom accounts for 60.8%" sometimes " or very few Zhan taking notes 31.3%. But " the god of
the earth who never takes notes " accounts for 7.9%. Such looks to pass the summary that foreign
language many years studies with experience, many schoolmate one of the method already,
understanding that during the period of the foreign language studying , preventing from have an
effect most forgotting is to write down classroom note. When such is therefore likely to forget in
knowledge, note is able to there be an effect's helped you to review in time. This is a very good
method. During the period of whether communicating with others in English on self's own initiative
to asking about and "", choose a sometimes "" and " the option Zhan is never " major. Account for
respectively to 57.4% and 38.5%. But, the frequent " god of the earth who chooses " accounts for
4.1%. This is a very astonishing result. This one result has explained many not good student spoken
language ability cause in very big aspect. The spoken language ability needs to think of rise ,
place of key is to need to understand that creatively studying and applying. But be not dumb person
" English ". Need to want to improve the spoken language ability , ought to apply much while
learning. Many , will be just now in the process applying only when applying, the spoken language
improving self slowly applies an ability. Class switches over to exactly be for this one point also
, has provided more exchange's space for schoolmates, schoolmates ask very good knowing to apply
this one characteristic. We find that in investigation, schoolmate that can persist in often "
keeping a diary " accounts for 0.7%" sometimes " and " never " Zhan has arrived at 43.8% and 55.5%
but respectively. This is pretty big a group of data of great disparity. Can explain that the
partial , most student forms the habit keeping a diary not yet , this also explains that , they
have not realized, by keeping a diary together out of , be also that one kind is effective
improving horizontal method of English , ought to place improving. Background mounts be universally
known , different language in culture existence very big difference. By investigation, difference
that can pay attention to arriving at Chinese and Western culture being in the same school in the
learning process having 26.3%. But " Zhan never being able to pay attention to " 58.8%. This has
reported student now very few the osculations realizing language and culture connection , not
having understood this one culture making use of language coming to know culture of the English
country the carrier , has improved the ability understanding that the sum is proper wielding
English. At the same time, the most schoolmate thinks during the period of the investigation
learning if having the problem helping to English teacher " to your English",in the process
studying, the teacher is playing very big role , is have very big help to the student (account for
62.0%). And this explanation , teacher giving lectures on the classroom, lower tutoring of class
still has having effect's very much to the student.
第1个回答  2008-01-14
First, students learning English in the classroom habits and methods
Through our investigation, we found that the majority of the students (62.0%) prefer English. This shows that students learning English have a keen interest. When asked about "on their own whether it is satisfied with the standard of English", 70.1% of students on the importance of their own standard of English is not very satisfactory. The results show that the majority of students learning English is not ideal enough, and the requirements of their own high, generally think they can do a better job in the foreign language. Then asked, "adept at their own knowledge of English", in the first two of the options are listening and grammar applications. (Accounting for 52.1% and 25.4%) These results suggest that the students have basic knowledge or very down-to-earth, and hearing the results of training is also very good. This high degree of enhanced learning communication skills. First because the other side will listen to understand the meaning of the expression, the right to be answered. In the then asked about the "own study, which need to strengthen the capacity of training", 53.7% of the students select "Spoken." This reflects that, despite our foreign language teaching has been continuously improved, but old problems still exist. Many students can understand, can write a good article, but not very good and others. "Open difficult" problem is very serious. This is the need to attach importance to and strengthen aspects. Can be seen at the same time, many students want to have a very fluent in spoken English. They want to be a hearing to be said, to write "China foreigners."
In the English classroom learning and study habits survey, we found that many students have to develop good study habits, but also there are many problems. Survey found that the initiative will be in the classroom on the notes accounted for 60.8 percent of the students, "sometimes" or rarely accounted for 31.3% of the notes. And "never take notes," only 7.9 percent. Thus, it through years of foreign language study and a summary of experience, know how many students have been learning foreign languages, the most effective prevention is one of the ways forgotten Hutchison notes in class. This will be forgotten in the knowledge point, the notes can help you timely and effective review. This is a very good approach. When asked about "whether active exchanges with others in English," and select "sometimes" and "never" option in the majority. Respectively accounted for 57.4% and 38.5%. The choice of "regular" and only 4.1%. This is a very surprising result. This results in great shows many students speaking the reasons for the poor. Speaking in order to raise crux of the study is to know how to live apply. Rather than "dumb" English. To improve verbal ability, it should be in school at the same time, multi-use. Only use more will be in use in the process of gradually improving their oral ability. Curriculum is precisely to this point, the students have to provide more space for the exchange, the students have to know the characteristics of a good application.
In the survey also found that we will adhere to the "regular" students to write diaries of 0.7 percent, "sometimes" and "never" respectively accounted for 43.8% and 55.5%. This is a large disparity between a group of data. From this we can say that the vast majority of students have yet to develop the habit of writing diaries, which also shows that they did not realize that, through Jiriji, is a very effective method of raising the standard of English, which should improve the .
As we all know, a different language in a cultural context, there is a great difference. Through the survey, 26.3% of the students in the learning process will be noted that cultural differences. And "will not pay attention to" accounted for 58.8 percent. This reflects the very few students are aware of the language and culture in close contact do not know how to use language to understand this cultural carriers English national culture and enhance understanding and appropriate use of the English language ability.
At the same time, "the English teacher you have to learn English," the survey, most students think, in the process of learning, teachers play a very important role, will be very useful to students (62.0% ). This shows that the teachers in the classroom teaching, as well as classes under the guidance of the students still have great effects.