

Arise(起来)! Ye who refuse to be slave(不愿做努力的人们),with our flesh and blood build up our new great Wall(把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城),China masses have met the day of all danger(中华民族到了最危险的时候);Indignation fill the hearts of our countrymen(每个人被迫逐发出最后的吼声). Arise(起来)! arise(起来)! Many hearts with one mind(我们万众一心),beat the enemy’s bonfire march on(冒着敌人的炮火前进).march on(前进).march on(前进).on(进)!
第1个回答  2008-03-02
略有改动,当时由美国黑人歌王保罗.罗伯逊(Paul Robeson)演唱。
Arise!You who refuse to be bound slaves!
Let\';s stand up and fight for
Liberty and true democracy!
All the world is facing
The change of tyranny,
Everyone who wants freedom is now crying:
Arise!Arise! Arise!
All of us in one heart,
With the torch of freedom,
March on!
With the torch of freedom,
March on and on!

这首义勇军进行曲当时在被压迫人民中非常脍炙人口,PAUL ROBESON 的唱片销路极好,因为它鼓励人民为打倒暴政,争取真正民主自由而歌唱。我的黑人朋友 Isaac 说,现在这首歌成为PRC国歌,没有人能随意歌唱,它已经失去鼓励被压迫人民斗争意义和价值的歌曲了。
第2个回答  2008-03-02
Arise! Those who refuse to be slaves. With our flesh and blood build up our new great wall! The Chinese civilization has confronted the most perilous moment. All men are forced to struggle against the tides. Arise! Arise! United we stand, advance through the enemy's barrage, we advance! March on! Progress!
第3个回答  2008-03-02
第4个回答  2008-03-02