
英语中词汇的搭配(collocation)对中国的大学生来说是最难的一部分。每种语言都有一些资深约定俗成的固定搭配,很多汉语中常见的搭配在英语中就未必合适,同样很多英语中固定的搭配汉语中又可能没有。所以中国学生往往会因为在英语中采用汉语的搭配而出现很多错误。例如:”经营生意、做生意”翻译成“make business”,而其实英语中的搭配应该是“conduct business”

第1个回答  2012-09-16
Lexical collocation
English vocabulary collocation ( collocation ) for Chinese college students is the most difficult part. Each language has a number of senior conventional fixed matching, many Chinese common collocation in English may not be appropriate, also a lot of English fixed collocations Chinese may not. So the Chinese students often because in English by Chinese Collocation and make a lot of mistakes. For example: " the business of doing business ", translated as " make business ", but in fact the English collocation should be " conduct business
第2个回答  2012-09-16
Collocation in English is one of the most difficult part for Chinese students. There is some established and conventional collocation in a certain language. Take English and Chinese for an instance, some collocation in Chinese can not find a counterpart in English. Condition is the same with that in English. As a result, Chinese students tend to make mistakes when they are using English collocation the way as they use in Chinese. For example, "经营生意、做生意" is translated into "make business". While the correct expression should be "conduct business".追问




