
1 过去的很多事情在你经历过之后,留在心中的往往是心灵的历练和成长,事情本身就没那么重要了
2 回忆过去的人是因为他现在过的不如过去好
3 往事并非负担,但参与往事的人,会在我心里留下深深的印痕
4 尊重别人的方式有很多种,尤其体现在细节上
5 虽说天空不会留下翅膀的痕迹,但地上的湖水会留下翅膀的倒影

after you experienced so many things,what have been left in your heart is your growth of your soul,and whose things you have experienced seems to be like trivias.

people who retrieve past time after time indicate that he leads a worse life compare to that in the past.

past is not burden, but old friend always let me keep them deep inside.

there's vrious way to show respect to other people,especially in details.

although sky won't keep the trace of the wing,but the lake can keep its' image.