大家帮我翻译一段化工的英语吧 急用,请高手们帮忙!!!

A novel process of electroplating amorphous Fe-Cr-Ni alloy in chloride aqueous solution with Fe ( Ⅱ) , Ni( Ⅱ) and Cr ( Ⅲ) was reported. Couple plasma atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP-AES) , X-ray diffractometry (XRD) ,scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), microhardness test and rapid heating-cooling method were adopted to detect the properties of the amorphous Fe-Ni-Cr deposit , such as composition , crystalline structure ,micrograph , hardness , and adherence between deposit and substrate. The effects of the operating parameters on the electrodeposit of the amorphous Fe-Ni-Cr alloy were discussed in detail. The results show that a 8.7μm thick mirror-like amorphous Fe-Ni-Cr alloy deposit ,with Vicker’s hardness of 530 and composition of 45 %~55 % Fe , 33 %~37 % Ni , 9 %~23 % Cr was obtained by electroplating for 20 min at room temperature (10~30 ℃) , cathode current 10~16 A/ dm2 , pH = 1. 0~3. 0. The XRD patterns show that there only appears a broad hump around 2θof 41°~47°for the amorphous Fe-Ni-Cr alloy deposit , while
the SEM micrographs show that the deposit contains only a few fine cracks but no pinholes.

一种新型工艺电镀非晶态铁铬-镍合金在氯化物溶液与Fe(Ⅱ), 镍(Ⅱ)和铬(Ⅲ)的报道. 耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES),X光衍射仪(XRD),扫描电子显微镜(SEM) 硬度测试和快速加热冷却法分别检测性能优良的非晶铁镍铬矿 例如组成,晶体结构,显微硬度,并恪守之间存底. 考察了运行参数对镀层的非晶态铁镍铬合金进行了详细讨论. 结果显示,有8.7米厚的镜子般的非晶态铁镍铬合金层,硬度为530和组成 45%~55%铁,33%~37%妮 9%~23%铬获得电镀20分钟,在室温(10~30℃) 阴极电流密度10~16/dm2,pH值为1. 0~3. 0. XRD结果显示,只有出现了一个广阔的驼峰大约241°~47°为无定形铁镍铬合金矿床 虽然SEM结果表明,存款只有少数细小裂缝,但没有针孔.
第1个回答  2007-05-19
新奇处理的电镀无定形的-外汇-Cr-Ni合金在氯化物水溶液和 Fe (Ⅱ) , Ni(Ⅱ)和 Cr (Ⅲ)被报告.
一对 plasma原子的发射 spectrometry ( ICP-AES) , X光照片 diffractometry (XRD) ,扫描电子用显微镜检查 (SEM), microhardness测试和快的热度-冷却方法被采用检测无定形的 Fe的属性 -Ni-Cr de
操作的效果参数在电沉积的无定形的 Fe-Ni-Cr合金被讨论详细.
结果显示那第8.7μm厚镜像-喜欢无定形的-外汇-Ni-Cr合金存放 ,和 Vicker’s坚硬的 530和作文的 45 55~Fe , 33 37~Ni , 9 23~Cr被流行由电镀为 20 min在室温
1. 0~3.
0. XRD模式给那看那里仅仅显现在附近宽广圆形隆起物 41°~的 2θ47°为无定形的 Fe-Ni-Cr合金存放 ,一会儿 SEM显微图给那看存放包含一点点的好弄破但是不梢孔.