
在托福官网递交成绩时必须要填department code,但是很多学校没有提供department code怎么办!!!一起发的gre成绩学校都收到了,但是托福成绩目前没有一所学校收到。。

您好,无锡百思特为您解答。可以去学校官网看,如果学校没有要求要填department code,那department code就不重要,随便填就行,只是学校收到的慢而已,再等等,别心急
第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-02
学生在递送GRE和托福成绩时也因此经常被要求不填写Department Code,而直接将成绩递送至研究生院。但GRE和Toefl的送分系统却没有改变,仍只有同学填写了Department Code后才能完成送分。这样的情况该怎么处理呢?
Yale University-FAQ:
“We do not require the use of Department or Program codes. All that is necessary is for your score reports to be directed to Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Code 3987). If you are required to enter a Department or Program code you should use "0000" (Undecided) for the GRE or "99" (Undecided) for the TOEFL. If you have used a Department/Program code other that "0000" or "99" in addition to Institutional code of 3987, you do not have to request another score report to be sent. If you did use a department code your scores that is not a problem.”
New York University-FAQ:
“TOEFL requires you to list a department code; you should select the code that is most appropriate for your field of study. You may also use code 99. However, do not use code 00- we will not receive your test scores if you report 00 as the TOEFL department code.
You do not need to use a special department code for the GRE. If you choose to report a department code, it does not matter which department code you choose. We will receive your GRE test scores with or without a department code, and regardless of the department you list.”
由此可见,在学校不提供Department Code的情况下,GRE填写0000,Toefl填写99为最稳妥的选择。为确定文书的送达成功,我们仍建议同学们在送分前与学校尽量沟通。本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-30
(不知道你申请方向是什么。以我自己举例,申请的EE方向,中介给我的网申管理表上写的T网送的code都一样,是:department code 99)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2017-08-23
你好,如果没有没有department code的话,直接选99就可以了。
第4个回答  2019-04-27
托夫投递,彰显美国霸权,学术自信,美国没有亲属或者熟人,最好别去。 其傲慢无礼不是华人能够忍受练狱的感觉。