
论国际商务谈判中的幽默语言艺术 摘要: 在谈判中常常发现,当双方激烈争论、相持不下、气氛紧张、充满火(河蟹)药味时,一句幽默的话会使双方相视而笑,气氛一下子就缓和下来。幽默在谈判中不仅是博人一笑,而且是谈判中的润滑剂,具有强大的穿透力。它将深层寓意包涵在轻松、风趣、机智戏谑中,使人们在哈哈大笑中不知不觉地接受对方的观点,从而调解双方关系,缓和紧张气氛,摆脱尴尬局面,使双方顺利进行合作,达到“润物细无声”的效果。在谈判中,适当运用这样的语言有助于把幽默感渗入具体的谈判中,使庄重严肃、单调乏味的谈判变得生动有趣,从而在笑口大开,轻松自如的气氛中结束谈判,取得令人满意的效果。 关键词: 商务谈判;语言艺术;幽默;语用特征;重要作用

Humorous Language Arts in International Business Negotiation Abstract: Often found in the negotiations, when the two sides heated debates, at loggerheads, or the atmosphere tense, filled with gunpowder, the one with humor, as if the two sides will smile with each other, and the atmosphere relaxed at once. Humor in the negotiations not only for laugh, but is the lubricant of negotiations. And it has great penetrating power. It symbolizes the deep indulgence in a relaxed, funny, witty, to one side unconsciously accepts the other's point of view in laughing, thus conciliates the relations between two parties, eases the tension, rids of embarrassing situation, makes both parties reached smoothly, achieves the "moisten things silently" effect. In the negotiation, proper use of such language could help to penetrate the concrete sense of humor in negotiations, can be used solemn seriousness, tedious negotiations became interesting, thus negotiate ended in a happy and freely relax atmosphere, and get a satisfactory result. Key words: business negotiation; language arts; humorous; characteristic; effect;

1、我们的新产品市场需求很大。There is a great demand for our new products 2、这种产品的前景很是看好。This kind of product enjoys a good prospect.3、我们需要讨论一下基本的交易条件。We have to discuss some basic terms of the deal.4、如你方价格公道,质量令人满意,我们将大量定货。

1, the negotiation is a kind of collective item.2, negotiate the personnel's mission is a negotiation, but expert then for negotiate the opinion and the information that the personnel provides the profession.3, negotiate the representative director and should stir up the enthusiasm of...

1, please take a look at the agenda we arrange for you.If anything unappropriate , please do not hesitate to tell me.2, We hold the dinner tonight to welcome the friends from the other side of the ocean 3, I believe we will make complete and successful cooperation with our...

关于 国际商务谈判的翻译 英翻中
广泛的第一次的提议。文化差异也表演在上面那优先的 negotitions 的踱步和在决策方面风格。然而,Salacuse 小心哪一个体谈判者做不总是遵照文化的铅版。

商务英语在翻译、外贸和教学等领域提供了多种职业发展路径。深入理解国际商务谈判中的关键术语和策略,对于职业发展尤为重要。以下是一些商务谈判中常见的英文术语及其含义:1. Bargaining (讨价还价): 在竞争性或零和\/分配性情境下,谈判双方寻求最优价值的策略。2. Selective perception (选择性感知): 双方...

关于商务谈判英语的翻译 请高手帮忙!!
otherwise, will let opposite party hold already the side weakness. Gives the powerful attack. the (4) gentleman, a virtuous young woman - - outstanding commerce treater must first be a gentleman or the virtuous young woman. Gentry and virtuous young woman's meaning everybody knows...

比如像这样的商业谈判 Dan Smith是一位美国的健身用品经销商,此次是Robert第一回与他交手。就在短短几分钟的交谈中,Robert即感到这位大汉粗犷的外表下,藏有狡黠如脱兔的心思--他肯定是名沙场老将,自己绝不可掉以轻心。双方第一回过招如下:Dan: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. ...


王涛法律顾问:托尼·威廉森Counselor:WangTaoCounselor:TonyWilliamson技术总监:周泳淘技术总监:特蕾西·普瑞特CTO:ZhouYongtaoCTO:TracyPratt翻译:毕鹭娟翻译:露西·桑顿Interpretator:BiLujuanInterpretator:LucyThornton中方总经理:欢迎来自新西兰佳沛国际有限公司的各位谈判代表来都江堰进行业务洽谈,我是 ...

求翻译 制定国际商务谈判策略的主要步骤
or analyze all kinds of possible targets, set a new goal.(4) form a hypothetical method. According to the different characteristics of different problems in the negotiations, gradually formed the way and the specific methods to solve the problem. This requires the negotiators to differ...
