
7.1 代替禁忌语;禁忌语包括脏话(obscene),粗俗的话(vulgar),忤犯神灵的话( profane)和不吉利的话 ( ominous words)。在多数情况下,人们不能或不愿提这些禁忌语,但又要表达这些意思,就要使用委婉语。
7.2 掩饰作用;用娓娓动听的字眼去命名本质不好的事物。战争方面的委婉语最能体现这一点,为了掩饰战争的狰狞面目,slaughter(屠杀)被说成是depopulation(减少人口),invasion(侵略)被说成是 involvement(介入), “genocide”(种族灭绝)被说成是“final solution”(最终解决),掩耳盗铃。所以委婉语也被称为“化妆词”(cosmetic words)。
7.3 取悦对方;这遵循了交际中的礼貌原则,人们喜闻“雅顺”之词,委婉表达比直接表达更“好听”,对方更易接受。把 “waiter”尊称为“captain”,尽管他的工作性质和内容并没有改变,但对方乐于接受,可以消除他的自卑感。例如,某学生智力低下,可以婉转地说 “a bit slow for his age”使其自尊心免受伤害。
7.4幽默效应;灰谐的委婉语能帮助人们轻松面对现实,如 “push up daisies”取代“be buried”可以 减轻人们对死亡的恐惧;把“be sent into prison”(坐牢)说成 “live at government’s expense”,显然增加了调侃色彩。
7.5 策略表达;同一个意思可用不同的方式表达,效果可能大相径庭,这涉及到说话的艺术。例如,飞机上有备旅客呕吐时使用的袋子,上面通常不写“vomit bag”的字样,而是写“ for motion discomfort”。结果证明,那些原本在飞机颠簸时容易呕吐的旅客,发生呕吐的现象确实减少了。这就是巧妙使用委婉语的效果。

Euphemism is of the language areas, language is a social phenomenon, so the main social function of Euphemisms are as follows

7.1 to replace Taboo; Taboo including bad language (rapist), the vulgar words (vulgar). God made the disobedient (profane) and the unlucky (ominous words). In most cases, people are unwilling to use such taboo language, but when he has , it is necessary to use a euphemism.

7.2 to hide something; Use the nice word to replace the bad-natured things. Euphemisms can best embodied the war in this point. In order to hide the ugly natuer of war, slaughter (the Holocaust) was described as a depopulation (reducing the population). invasion (invasion) was described as involvement (intervention) "genocide" (genocide) was described as a "final solution" (the final settlement ) while burying his head in the sand. So Euphemism is also known as the (cosmetic words).

7.3 to please people. This followed the principles of courtesy communication, it is gratifying to learn that "Elegance" the words, Euphemism directly express more than "good" and the other side easier to accept. "Waiter" known as "captain", although the nature and content of his work has not changed. But the other side willing to accept it, you can eliminate the inferiority complex. For example, a student with mental retardation. Just to be "a bit slow for his age", so that self-esteem from being harmed.

7.4 create humorous effect; humorous Euphemism can help people to face reality. If we use "push up daisies" to replace "be buried", it can reduce people's fear for death ; "be sent into prison" (jail) as a "live at gover nment 's expense "and this apparently increased the fun.

7.5 expression strategy; Can be used with a different meaning in the form and the results are likely to vary. This involves the art of words. For example, there is a passenger vomiting use of the equipment bags, above do not normally write "vomit bag" message, instead of "for motion discomfort." The findings show that for those people who are already vulnerable to the jolting vomiting passengers on the plane, it does help reduce the occurrence of the phenomenon of vomiting. This is the clever usage of euphemism .

To correctly and appropriately use euphemism can achieve the desired results, but the abuse of euphemismon will results the opposite . Let us compare the following two paragraphs :