
我现在在军乐的成都石化学校就读那个大专 我想还是有点歪 起初 我还想的大专 好洋盘哦 应该很安逸 而且应该比中专好找工作 可现如今 …艾 不过既然来了 就坚持下去 我觉得我们既然 读的是大专 那就应该和其他学生不一样为什么还要穿校服做早操 最不能理解的是既然还是赶八点半上课 我晕哦 如果这样 那我们还和以前有什么区别 如果学校都不能为我们创造一点点这样大学的氛围 那为什么还要我们把自己当成大学生来看。

Talk about my college in Jun Le, which is called Chengdu Petrochemical School, I can’t appreciate it very much. At first I thought it was cool. It should be fine tertieriy qualification, more superior to the secondary school qualifications for finding jobs in the future. But then again…However, I am already here. I should stick to it. There is something I cannot agree. We are college students. Why do we have to wear school uniform and doing morning exercises? There is something more incomprehensible: We have to start our lesson half past eight in the morning. Oh, My God. We are still the same secondary students like before. If the school cannot make the atmosphere more like a college, how are we regarded as college students?
第1个回答  2011-03-26
I am now in the military music school in Chengdu Petrochemical college that I think still a little crooked at first I would like to offer tertiary Oh well should be very comfortable foreign and should be compared with secondary Haozhaogongzuo Now ... Ai but since I came to stick to it Since we think it should read is the college not the same as other students to wear school uniforms why do morning exercises can not understand is that since the drive or at half past eight I Yune class that we have, and if so What is the difference if the school before all can not we create a little bit of this atmosphere of the University of追问


第2个回答  2011-03-26
第3个回答  2011-03-27
Entschuldigen Sie bitte, aber bisher habe ich Ihnen die Karte noch nicht geschickt, da ich einigen Tagen brauche, heraus zu finden, was Sie in Ihrer persönlichen Vorstellung geschrieben haben.
Auf jeden Fall hoffe ich, dass Ihnen die Karte sehr gut gefällt, darauf ist der bekannte Berg in Provinz Hunan.
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