知道网友们大家好,请帮我翻译一下这段英语,谢谢:People with such facial features basically?

People with such facial features basically have a pair of energetic eyes. This type of person is very popular in nature, and is cruel and compassionate. They are charitable and always try their best to help those in need. Based on this kind of kindness, they accumulate a lot of blessings for themselves. However, at the same time, it is also easy to be used by women's watch.A woman's life is good or bad, can be seen from the way she talks and acts. People's behavior, clothing, language, action will reveal a person's grade, identity. As the Zen master said, you don't need to open your mouth, just take a few steps to know your situation. No disguise. Let's have a look at the characteristics of the sexual fate of Fu Bao da~The more introverted a woman is, the greater the blessing suanmianzhun.com will be. A woman who can hide. Those who lack kidney meridian often can't sit still. That is, there is no endurance. Women lack kidney, easy to run outside, can not sit, stay at home. This is not good. It can be said that the condition of the body determines a person's nature and luck.Can hide the woman, is the heart is very stable, very heavy live. For example, a safe is not the same as a leather bag. The safe is not moved, but the leather bag is moving. There are treasures in the safe, but temporary items in the leather bag.People who are blessed with great rewards have a distinct feature: meditation. It is not easy to be moved by the eight winds, nor is it easy to be calm, rigid and calm. These are all meditation. He who has no good fortune cannot sit still. It is difficult to develop intelligence for people who are not clean in color and body.

语,谢谢: 有这种面部特征的人基本上?有这种面部特征的人基本上有一个一双充满活力的眼睛。这种人非常在大自然中流行,残忍而富有同情心。他们很慈善,总是尽最大努力帮助有需要的人。基于这种善良,他们为自己积累了很多祝福。然而,与此同时,它也很容易被女性斯沃琪使用。女人的生活是美好的或者不好,可以从她说话的方式看出行为。人们的行为、服装、语言、行为会揭示一个人的等级、身份。作为禅师父说, 保险箱里的珍品,但保险箱里的临时物品皮包。有福的人奖励有一个明显的特点: 冥想。它是不容易被八风移动,也不容易很容易平静、僵硬和平静。这些都是冥想。没有好运的人不能坐着尽管如此,很难为人们发展智力颜色和身体不干净的人 保险箱里的珍品,但保险箱里的临时物品皮包。有福的人奖励有一个明显的特点: 冥想。它是不容易被八风移动,也不容易很容易平静、僵硬和平静。这些都是冥想。没有好运的人不能坐着尽管如此,很难为人们发展智力颜色和身体不干净的人。
第1个回答  2020-08-08
people后面接的with such facial features basically是修饰people的,所以这句话可以翻译为基本拥有这些表面特征的人。
第2个回答  2020-08-08

