高二英语 句子翻译 中译英

2.至到那座山上没有一颗树剩下,村民们才意识到他们之前所做的是错的。(not until的倒装)
5.由五个警察和两个志愿者组成的一个救援队已经被派到事故发生的地区了。(consist of)


1, It doesn't matter about what you spoke to your parents but the way how you did that.
2, Not until there were no trees did the villagers realize what they had done were wrong.
3, As he is disabled, he still holds a positive attitude towards his life.
4, It is occurred to me that if I practice English in my spare time I may make huge progress.
5, The rescue team consisting of five police and two volunteers was sent to the accident location.
第1个回答  2010-12-13
1.It is the way you treat your parents not what you said to them that matters.
2.The villagers didn't realize what they have done was wrong until there is no tree left on that mountain.
3.Disabled as he is,he holds a positive attitude towards his life.
4.It occurs to me that if I can make best of my spare time to practise my oral English,I will make great progress propably.
5.A rescue team consists of five police and two volunteers have been appointed to the scen where the accident happend.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-13
1.What matters is not what you've said to your parents,but the way you treat them.
2.Not until there is no trees in that mountain do the valligers realize what they've done before is wrong.
3.Disabled as he is,he has an optimistic attitude toward life.
4.it occurs to me that if all of my spare time had been spent practicing oral English,I could make great progress now.(我觉得这里应该用虚拟语气,因为事实是我并没有利用空余时间学习)
5.A rescue team,which consists of five policemen and two volunteers has been ordered to the place where the accident happens.
第3个回答  2010-12-13
1. Is important is not the words of your parents, but you are on their way. (Matter)
2. To the rest of that hill is not a tree, the villagers realized that they did wrong before. (Not until the flip)
3. Although he is a disabled person, but he was optimistic about life. (As the moonlight clan)
4. I suddenly thought if my free time to be fully utilized to practice English, I might be able to achieve progress. (Occur / strike / come)
5. By five police officers and two volunteers, a rescue team had been sent to the area of the accident. (Consist of)
第4个回答  2010-12-13
1. What matters is the way you treat your parents not the words you speak to them.
2. The villiagers didn't realize what they had done wrong until no trees were left on that mountain.
3. Disabled as he is, he has an optimistic attitude towards life.
4. It occured/stroke/came to me that I might make great improvement if I made the best of my spare time to practive my oral English.
5. A rescue team consisted of five policement and two volunteers had been sent to the incident location.
第5个回答  2010-12-13
How to treat your parent is the significant matter rather than what talk to your parents.

Until the mountan had no tree left did the villager realize what they had done were wrong.

The disabled as he is, he holds a positive attitude to his life.

It occurred to me that if my leisure was used adequately to practise speaking, i would get enormous progress。

The rescue team consisted of five police and two volunteers was detached to the region of accident.
第6个回答  2010-12-13
The important thing is not what sentences you talk to your family but the matter you do .
Not until no trees left in this mountain,the citizens may aware of the thing they did are wrong.
As he is a disabled man,then he always has a oppsite attitude toI life.
I suddenly occured the idea striked me what I have full advantage of my spare time to prounce my spoken english maybe I can make a great progress.
The aid-team consist of five policeman and two volunteers were sent to the area where the things happened.
大约是这样 正确率我不太肯定 你看看吧 望采纳