急求对 最爱的 电影或音乐或演员或歌手 的 英语情景对话的小短文


B:hey, what are you doing here?

A:oh hello.i’m listening to music.

B:I see.what kind of music do you like?

A: I like pop music. Because it is modern, and is related to people's everyday life. Pop music is popular among young people.

B: but Pop music, does not last very long. While it is popular in certain times, only after a few months, or even weeks, it will be replaced by newer music.
A:so you like classical music better?

B:yes. Because these music has been passed down from comzposers hundreds of years ago, and have stood to the test of time. There are different styles. Sometimes the music makes you happy, and sometimes it makes you more thoughtful. It is the previous heritage of all mankind.
A: Classical music, on the other hand, sometimes is a bit too dull and too long. And when I am happy, I can sing pop songs, but I can never sing classical music!

B: You know, we are always very busy studying, so, i think if i feel tired sometimes, classical music,to a large degree, is the best way for me to relax.

A:wait! But I still remember that you would fall asleep the moment you listened to classical music.

B:oh you can’t believe that.last time when I listened to a piece of music made by Mozart,I felt it was so beautiful! I fell in love with it immediately .and which singer do you like best?

A: There is an famous band named "coldplay" in England, I like them very much. Their works are far more than pop music, it's more like poems. Every word, every sentence,even their sign are so beautiful.

B:Emm…sounds good! I will listen to their music some day.and you can try some classical music as well.
第1个回答  2010-12-14
Q: Hello! Can I ask you some question?
A: Sure.
Q: What's your favorite movie?
A: I like the "Titanic", because it's very romantic.
Q: Um... And who is your favorite actor?
A: I like Jet Li very he is very cool.
Q: What else do you like?
A: I also like Jackie chan.
Q: Really? I like Jackie chan, too! I like his action movie!
A: Me too.
Q: And what's your favorite singer?
A: I like Teresa teng best. Her songs are very melodious.
Q: OK. Thank you very much!
A: You are welcome!本回答被提问者和网友采纳

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