学生公共场所使用文明手机有关的英语作文 80字左右


现在祖国各地都在争创和谐文明城市,我们中学自然也不应当落后。这不,学习好正在开展“争当文明中学生”的主题活动。我认为,想要当好一个合格的文明中学生。首先应该在课前认真预习,上课认真听讲,课后好好复习。上课不迟到,不早退。而且还要热爱祖国,热爱集体,尊师敬老,团结同学,乐于助人,热爱劳动,积极锻炼等等。在社会上,要学会处处为别人着想,例如:在等汽车时遵守秩序,在车上给老弱病残孕让座。不在公共场所大声喧哗,不随地乱扔垃圾……都是一个文明中学生应该做到的事情。 Now motherland each region is creating the harmonious cultured and civilized city, our middle school cannot fall behind naturally. Look the study is good is developing “the struggle works as the civilized middle-school student” theme activity. I believed that the wish works as the good qualified civilized middle-school student. First should before the class earnest preparing a lesson, attends class listens earnestly, after the class, reviews well. Attends class is not late, does not leave early. Moreover must deeply love the motherland, deeply loves the collective, respects authority the reverence for elders, unites schoolmate, is glad helps the human, deeply loves the work, exercises positively and so on. In the society, must learn everywhere to consider for others, for example: When and so on automobiles observes the order, the old, weak, sick and disabled is pregnant on the vehicle for offers one's seat to somebody. Does not clamor loudly in the public place, throws trash not anywhere ......Is the matter which a civilized middle-school student should do.