我是初一的 最近参加了英语科代表的竞选 老师要我们用英语做一段演讲 希望大家帮我写一篇演讲稿

我是初一的 最近参加了英语科代表的竞选 老师要我们用英语做一段演讲 希望大家帮我写一篇演讲稿 不要太长 单词不要太难 而且要谦虚点 谢谢各位啦~

hi,everyone,now i,m standing here and hoping to be the English course representative .here are the reasons:first,i love english and i,m also good at english.Second,i am pretty sure that i can do this job well because i'm willing to help those students who need help in english and i'll try my best to improve your english.I need your support and if you guys have confidence in me,please vote for me,thank you so much.

或者这个I enter for the coopetition of the represent of the english,because Ilike this work and i feel like doing somethings about english study for my classmates.Of course,i think i hae some advantages over others on one hand,i was the represent of my class in 你的上一个学校。 during my management,i united my classmates to take part in all kinds of activity in english study.in short,i can assisted my english teacher's work.so i have the experience to be up to english represent.on te other hand,my charactor fit this job.i am a out-going boy and dood at communication.so i can help my classmates with english well.in summary,i am sure i can be up the represent of my class. now i imaging my successful competition in election. if i am the represent of my class .i will know everybody in my class well.and i will associate some activities so as to let my classmate have fun learning english.obviously,i aslo will assist the teacher's job.all in all,i will be the bridge between the teacher and my classmate. thank you for your supports.
第1个回答  2011-02-22
Thank all of you guys to give me the opportunity to run for the English subject representative.I am really fond of English study and practicing using and speaking English.If I can get this position,I can make contributions to helping classmates study English.Though I am not a genius of leaning English,But I have the servicing spirit,If you have some questions,maybe I can try my best to fix it for you as possible as I can.And I can do something for our teacher,too.Like correcting homework.So that's all.Thanks.
第2个回答  2011-02-22
heiio,everyone. I love english , love english teacher , love english leson, love english song , so I stand here .I want to do the best with everyone in english . let's go ! Thank you !
第3个回答  2011-02-24
Hello ,boys and girls, standing in front of you ,I feel very happy.(大家好,站在讲台前面,我感到很高兴) I am interested in English subject representative(我对这个英语课代表很感兴趣)and there are three reasons(有三个原因)
fisrtly, I am interested in English and have the confidence to learn English well. (第一,我对英语感兴趣,并有信心将英语学好)
Secondly ,I am always ready to help others,because my patents often tell me to be a person that helpful to others(第二,从小父母就教育我要对他人有用,所以我乐于助人)
Thirdly,I am easygoing and can get on well with teacher and our students.(第三,我乐观开朗,能跟老师学生相处很好)
All in all, I am the very girl /boy to suit the English subject representative.(总之我是英语课代表的最佳人选)and I hope with my help, we can make great progress(希望在我的帮助下,我们都能取得进步)
That’s all. Thank you(先到这里吧,非常感谢)