
The Crab and His Mother

“My child,” said a Crab to her son, “why do you walk so awkward? If you wish to make a good appearance, you should go straight forward, and not to one side as you do so constantly.”
“I do wish to make a good appearance, Mamma” said the young Crab; “and if you will show me how, I will try to walk straight forward.”
“Why, this is the way, of course,” said the mother, as she started off to the right, “No, this is the way,” said she, as she made another attempt, to the left.
The little Crab smiled. “ When you learn to do it yourself, you can teach me,” he said, and he went back to his play.

小蟹笑了。 “当你知道应该怎样做了,再来教我。”他说,继续用他的方式向前走。

第1个回答  2011-02-19

小蟹笑了。 “当你学会自己做,你可以教我,“他说,他接着用自己的方式走。