
假如你叫林宏,今年14岁,你非常喜欢体育运动,尤其喜欢篮球。你经常在课余时间和你同学打篮球。你认为打篮球不仅让你的身体健康、强壮,还让你体会到了其中的乐趣。姚明是你的偶像,你的梦想是在长大后成为一名像他一样的篮球运动员。请根据所给提示用英语写一篇不少于60个词的英语短文。 谢谢了!!!

My name is honglin,and i am 14 years old.I like doing exercise very much,and what's more,my favorite sport is basketball.I always play basketball with my classmates after class.I think that playing basketball not only can help me being strong and health,but also can bring me much enjoyment.My favorite basketball star is yaoming,and I hope that I can become a outstanding basketball player like him some day!
小兄弟 作文还是最好自己写啊。。。
第1个回答  2011-07-27
Hello everybod! I'm Lin Hong, a boy of 14 who loves sports very much, especially BASKETBALL!
I often play basketball with my classmates during our free time! It makes me strong and helthy, also I enjoy fun from it!
Yao ming is the best player in my mind who's playing in NBA, I wish to be a player as great as him! I believe my dream will come true!
Lin Hong