
• 1 Terminology
• 2 How it works
• 3 Legal principles governing documentary credits
• 4 The price of LCs
• 5 Legal Basis for Letters of Credit
• 6 Risks in International Trade
• 7 See also
• 8 Notes

[edit] Terminology
The English name “letter of credit” derives from the French word “accreditif”, a power to do something, which in turn is derivative of the Latin word “accreditivus”, meaning trust.[1] This in effect reflects the modern understanding of the instrument. When a seller agrees to be paid by means of a letter of credit he/she is looking at a reliable bank that has an obligation to pay him the amount stipulated in the credit notwithstanding any defence relating to the underlying contract of sale. This is as long as the seller performs his/her duties to an extent that meets the credit terms.
[edit] How it works
Imagine that a business called the Acme Electronics from time to time imports computers from a business called Beijing Computers, which banks with the Shanghai Business Bank. Acme holds an account at the Commonwealth Financials. Acme wants to buy $500,000 worth of merchandise from Beijing Computers, who agree to sell the goods and give Acme 60 days to pay for them, on the condition that they are provided with a 90-day LC for the full amount. The steps to get the letter of credit would be as follows:
• Acme goes to The Commonwealth Financials and requests a $500,000 letter of credit, with Beijing Computers as the beneficiary.
• The Commonwealth Financials can issue an LC either on approval of a standard loan underwriting process or by Acme funding it directly with a deposit of $500,000 plus fees between 1% and 8%.
• The Commonwealth Financials sends a copy of the LC to the Shanghai Business Bank, which notifies the Beijing Computers that payment is ready and they can ship the merchandise Acme has ordered with the full assurance of payment to them.
• On presentation of the stipulated documents in the letter of credit and compliance with the terms and conditions of the letter of credit, the Commonwealth Financials transfers the $500,000 to the Shanghai Business Bank, which then credits the account to the Beijing Computers by that amount.
• Note that banks deal only with documents under the letter of credit and not the underlying transaction.
• Many exporters have misunderstood that the payment is guaranteed after receiving the LC. The issuing bank is obligated to pay under the letter of credit only when the stipulated documents are presented and the terms and conditions of the letter of credit have been met accordingly.

英国命名“信用证”从法国词“accreditif”获得,力量做某事,反过来是拉丁词“accreditivus”的衍生物,意味信任。[1]这实际上反射对仪器的现代理解。 当卖主同意通过信用证时被支付他或她看有义务支付他在信用规定的数额仍然所有防御与部下的销售合同相关的一家可靠的银行。 这是,只要卖主尽他/她的职责在遇见信用证条款的程度上。
想象事务叫尖端电子从称北京计算机的事务时常进口计算机,开户与上海企业银行。 尖端举行一个帐户在联邦财政。 尖端想要买$500,000价值商品从北京计算机,同意卖物品和给尖端60天薪水为他们,在他们带有90天LC为总额前提下。 收到信用证的步是如下:
• 尖端去联邦财政并且请求$500,000信用证,用北京计算机作为受益人。
• 联邦财政可能发布LC一个标准贷款认购过程的供试用或由Acme资助它直接地与$500,000正费储蓄在1%和8%之间。
• 联邦财政寄发LC的拷贝到上海企业银行,通知北京计算机付款准备好,并且他们可以运输商品尖端预定了以付款充分的保证对他们。
• 在被规定的文件的介绍在信用证的信用证和遵照期限和条件,联邦财政转交$500,000上海企业银行,然后相信帐户对北京计算机由那数额。
• 注意银行仅应付文件在信用证而不是部下的交易之下。
• 许多出口商误会付款在接受LC以后被保证。 发布的银行被强制支付在信用证之下,只有当提出时被规定的文件,并且信用证的期限和条件相应地符合了。