喜欢上了一个女生 能帮帮我吗 好的话愿意在赠送200分
所以大一的时候一直在收集她的信息 大一下的时候和她寝室的关系搞很好 和她的关系也不错 可能是太喜欢她了见到她就很紧张 前一阵子总是粘着她 一个星期前发信息告诉我不希望我再粘她 听朋友的建议凉了她几天以后到今天都和她保持了一段的距离 今天考试和她说话态度明显要好的多了 刚才在网上看到她 在她的qq...
日语达人帮帮我 拒绝翻译器 拜托了 虽然手机上只能悬赏这么多 我可以...
まだ话せないことがある お互い判ればいい 将来幸运に再会したり 「秒速5センチ」みたいにすり违ったり いまはただあなたが幸せであればいいんだ 未来は远いものだ いまのあなは毎日一番の笑颜があればいいんだ 距离が远すぎで そばにいられない 体を大事にするんだよ 我会为一...
...拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下
1 I don't think the family is any Enmeshed or Disengaged If you really want to choose the words may be more biased Disengaged It may be that I don't have a very deep understanding of the family, I can't see any strong family ties between the family, they have not shown...
...拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下
1. I chose this child for my survey report is because he comes from Iran, a very special place of which I know very little. I hope that through this survey I am able to learn more things about this country such as their culture and tradition.2. This child, whose parents...
非常紧急需要寻求专业翻译 中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文...
第二个翻译:Today the weather overcast, but no rain, it is not particularly coldSo we took the children out for a walk, but did not expect to go on a walk to the park, it began to rainBecause of this, we must go home, go back to the kindergartenAlso because these two days are ...
1)急需要专业翻译 中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文~禁止翻译...
help them more 也许过多的帮助 反而会给他们压力 because it may turn into pressure to them if over help is given 尽量让他们自己去做他们认为他们可以做到的事 也是对他们的一种尊重 so please let them go and do what they believe they can this can be a way of respect to them ...
6. 谁有《晋文公守信得原.卫》译文,急需,拜托了如题 谢谢了 晋文公攻打原国,只携带着可供十天食用的粮食,于是和大夫们约定十天做期限,要攻下原国。 可是到原国十天了,却没有攻下原国,晋文公便下令敲锣退军,准备收兵回晋国。 这时,有战士从原国回来报告说:“再有三天就可以攻下原国了。” 这是攻下原国...
1)急需要专业翻译 中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文~禁止翻译...
In the morning, children were asked to put on warm coat and hood before leaving the door. While I was talking a walk with them, I saw people preparing for the Halloween, putting pumpkins outside their houses. It’s joyful everywhere, which is such a pleasant scene.After taking...
然后他母亲酒会让汤姆吃了,因为她要让老人家开心。在汤姆七岁生日前几天的一个傍晚,汤姆睡前作了一个祷告。“神啊,恳求你”他叫到“让他们在我这星期六的生日给我一大盒的巧克力”他母亲正在厨房里听到了这小男孩儿的呐喊,赶紧跑进他的房间。“您干吗在喊叫,汤姆?" 她问道,"神只能在你笑声...
1.除了去公园以外,我的活动范围仅限于临近地区( apart from;movement;neighbourhood)Apart from going to the park,my activity of movement is neighbourhood Apart from going to the park, my movement is limited\/restricted to the neighbourhood.(圆字打错了,应该是园。movement就已经函盖了活动...