

Today is the Spring Festival. I spent a happy day. Tonight we have family meals together, we have a lot of blessings. Eaten after dinner, I watched the Spring Festival Gala, I really loved that. To 11:00 minutes, firecrackers sports, the excitement, showing a picture, I love the motherland. I personally was most impressive in the process of the dumplings, this is not my first attempt, we went off smoothly. I very carefully wrapped, Snaddon dumplings, I seem to eat very fragrant! Spring Festival on this later, but this day is the happiest day of my holiday.



Today is the Spring Festival. I spent a happy day. First, we had family meals together tonight and we blessed each other. After dinner, We watched the Spring Festival Gala. I really loved that. At 11:00 , firecrackers sported. Then the excting scenes had turned on in Beijing. I really love our motherland. What is unforgettable is that I made dumplings myself.This is not my first attempt,so it is fluent. I really enjoyed the dumplings.
The Spring Festival had past, but this day is the happiest day of my holiday.I love the Spring Festival.
第1个回答  2007-02-27
is 应该用was吧 因为这好象是日记,已经过去了
第2个回答  2007-02-27
Today is the Spring Festival. I spent a happy day. Tonight we have(had) a family meals(去掉s) together, we have(made) a lot of blessings. Eaten after dinner(Ater eating the dinner), I watched the Spring Festival Gala, I really loved that. To 11:00 minutes,(?句意不明) firecrackers sports, the excitement, showing a picture, I love the(my) motherland. I personally was most impressive in the process of the dumplings, this is(was) not my first attempt,(连词?) we went off smoothly. I very carefully wrapped(wrapped carefully), Snaddon dumplings, I seem to eat very fragrant! Spring Festival on this later(??????), but this day is the happiest day of my holiday.
第3个回答  2007-02-27
Today is the Spring Festival. I spent(HAD) a happy day. Tonight we have(had) family meals together, we have a lot of blessing (We blessed a lot). Eaten(删除) after dinner, I watched the Spring Festival Gala(evening), I really loved that. To 11:00 minutes(From 11:00), firecrackers sports(blest), the excitement, showing a picture, I love the motherland.(你这句话想说什么意思?) I personally was most impressive in the process of the dumplings, this is not my first attempt, we went off smoothly. I very wrapped carefully , Snaddon dumplings, I ate very fragrant! Spring Festival came this later, but this day is the happiest day of my holiday.

第4个回答  2007-02-27
Today is the Spring Festival. I spent a happy day. Tonight we had a family meal together, we made a lot of blessings.Ater eating the dinner,I watched the Spring Festival Gala, I really loved that. To 11:00 minutes. firecrackers sports, the excitement, showing a picture, I love my motherland. I personally was most impressive in the process of the dumplings, this was not my first attempt, we went off smoothly. I very carefully wrapped carefully, Snaddon dumplings, I seem to eat very fragrant! Spring Festival on this later, but this day is the happiest day of my holiday.
第5个回答  2007-02-27


求助知道好友帮帮忙 把这些全都告诉我 必高分悬赏 猜成语的
1 喜上眉梢(喜上玫烧)2魑魅魍魉 或 妖魔鬼怪 3余音绕梁(鱼音绕粮)4盲人摸象 5鸡飞蛋打 6心照不宣(心照步喧)7人走茶凉 8刀光剑影(刀光剑赢)9七嘴八舌(气嘴八蛇)10悲喜交加 11雷声振耳、如雷贯耳 12舍己救人 13眉目传情 14猪朋狗友 15一针见血(衣针箭雪)16愁眉苦脸(愁梅苦脸)17...


一决胜负 showdown 例如:to fight a showdown battle.打一场最后的决战 二人同心 two people of the same mind 例如:If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.二人同心,其利断金 挑三拣四 choosy 例如:She's very choosy about who she goes out ...

最近收到一条短信,反正我看不懂,请大家帮我答出来,谢谢~天鹅飞去鸟不归,目目相对由心起,胡天八月不飞来山会路口白草折,寸光不与四时同,接天连叶送君去,千秋一夜为三横。谢谢各... 最近收到一条短信,反正我看不懂,请大家帮我答出来,谢谢~天鹅飞去鸟不归,目目相对由心起,胡天八月不飞来山会路口白草折,...


大家都来帮我找一首DJ 高分悬赏! 歌名A LA LA 阿拉拉

我的 高分悬赏!!!——80分,这可是我的家底了啊! 怎样的学习方法和分配学习时间的方法最好,有好方法吗,拜托拜托了!!!高分悬赏!!!——80分,这可是我的家底了啊!... 怎样的学习方法和分配学习时间的方法最好,有好方法吗,拜托拜托了!!!高分悬赏!!!——80分,这可是我的家底了啊! 展开  我来答 ...

。“皮球先生”说:“你们合起来一齐使劲试试!”五个指头点了点头,大家一起使劲,一下子就把“皮球先生”兴致空中。“皮球先生”笑嘻嘻地说:“你们团结起来就有力量,闹不团结、自高自大,就什么也干不成,以后谁也不要居功自傲了。”http:\/\/fanwen.sanwen.net\/article\/40091\/chaojia.html ...


1.因为存在最大值,设f(x)=-(x+b)^2+a,其中a=8;代入f(2)=-1得 -(2+b)^2+8=-1 b=1或-4 f(x)=-(x+1)^2+8或f(x)=-(x-4)^2+8 写成标准式为f(x)=-x^2-2x+7或f(x)=-x^2+8x-8 2.(1)=0->2a+b+1=0① f(x)+1=0有实根->b-a^2+1<0② ①代入...
