how do you go to school英语作文20-30个单词还要翻译!谢谢!


students in our school go to school in different ways. somestudents whose homes are near school usually walk to school; some students usually go toschool by bike;others whose home are far from school often go to school by bus or car.学生以不同的方式在我们的学校上学。有些学生来说的家附近的学校通常步行上学;一些学生通常骑自行车上学;其他人的家离学校不远,经常乘公共汽车去上学或汽车。
第1个回答  2010-12-27
一般坐公共汽车去上学,有时也骑自行车去上学!在起床早的话就步行去学校了Usually take the bus to school, sometimes riding a bike to school! To get up early in the walk to school if
第2个回答  2011-01-02
I usually go to school by bus,sometimes I go to school by bike.I go to school on foot if I get up early.
第3个回答  2010-12-27
I go to school by bus .i go to school on foot.本回答被网友采纳