谁能帮我分析一下 罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet) 中Tybalt 的性格 最好举例说明.

我英语的考试 想先写个提纲 准备一下 考试内容就是分析Tybalt 不知道从哪几个方面 谈他比较好

2. 提戏剧性的影响(使用引号!!):提伯尔特,火一般的敌手,体现了嗜血成性的单一控制特征。例如,当提伯尔特在卡布利特的派对上认出热情的主角罗密欧时,他命令仆人“去拿(他的)剑”,并宣布他想“杀死(罗密欧)”。
3.主题:提伯特渴望战斗和杀死本沃利奥,并揭示了他无法控制的渴望流血。提伯特在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中表现出暴力的特征。最后一定要连上悲剧! ! !
第1个回答  2011-01-22
1.Characteristics: Tybalt - A Capulet, Juliet’s cousin on her mother’s side. Vain, fashionable, supremely aware of courtesy and the lack of it, he becomes aggressive, violent, and quick to draw his sword when he feels his pride has been injured. Once drawn, his sword is something to be feared. He loathes Montagues.

2. Mention dramatic affects (use quotes!!): Tybalt, the fiery antagonist, embodies the single controlling characteristic of murderous bloodthirstiness. For example, when Tybalt recognizes Romeo, the passionate protagonist, at the Capulet party, he orders his servant to “ fetch [his] rapier ” and declares he wants to “ strike [Romeo] dead ” .

Tybalt immediately wishes to strike Romeo down as soon as he recognizes him, despite the fact that Romeo has done nothing wrong other than joining in on the Capulet festivities.. Similarly, Mercutio, Romeo’s jovial friend, refers to Tybalt as “ a duelist ” and a “ very good blade ”

Mercutio considers Tybalt a very skilled swordsman and a dangerous man to get in a fight with because of his ferociousness. In the same way, Tybalt tells Benvolio, Romeo’s peaceable cousin, to “ look upon thy death ” and says “[he hates] the word [peace] ”

3. Theme: Tybalt yearns to fight and kill Benvolio and reveals his uncontrollable desire for bloodshed. Tybalt demonstrates the trait of violence throughout Romeo and Juliet. 最后一定要连上tragedy!!!

第2个回答  2023-06-08