
写一篇英语作文 谢谢

Dear Linda
I know you may not adapt to the life of the new city.You feel lonely without friend's company.So i believe as long as you make some friends here,you will be happy. And once you have friends you can join in their party then more and more friends and more and more parties.The life will be full of fun,I wish you have a colourful life in the new city
第1个回答  2011-01-20
fhcsdjkh fjkdshfjkdhfjkdshfjk dsfdsjfhjdkfhsdjkahfioe dfuweifhjkweah f ewhfehafuhsajkdhf e fhe hfhsdkhf fwehfkewhuif e fhsefh ewhf ewh fhuewfh ueawhukasehfeawhf hewui fheuiwhfusedhafuiawe aweuhfuewhfuwehfkwehuif fheh ef hweaufh aweu f huawihfeui wf urfh weuifhu aiweu hfweai fhewhfewuifheuwi ifhewahf ewf hewahf ehwafh ewafe hawf hewfh ehf hweufheuwahf awehfaiwehf weh afhewuhfuewhf w aufheuiwahfuewiahfuiawehfuheawfhwehfhawefh awe h fwehafhewhf ahfuhaweiufh w aufheuwhfewuaihfewah a hfuhfuafhueshfuawehfuhewaufh a hfewahfweuhf jsdhfjhdsajkfh fhsdj fhsdhfwehf f hjkehfjksdhjkfh fehfjhejkfhj ehfejkshfjhfejkhf .