

E-mail brings us much benefits. It is very convenient to use e-mail. You can send e-mail anywhere at anytime, as long as you've got a computer and the internet. It does not cost people much time to send and receive messages. Therefore, it saves time and money. Besides,it can send more information than traditional letters. You can share songs,photos and E-cards by means of sending e-mail. That makes our life more colorful.

已修改 希望楼主满意!
第1个回答  2011-01-20
你可以说明利用互联网发电子邮件可以更节省时间和费用,大大提高写信的内容,还可以传递多媒体的信息等等。(本人才读初二,水平不行)As we know,the internet is more wonderful.we can use it to study,send e-mail and so on.send e-mail is faster than send letter.we can send the audio files with the e-mail too.