
时空平行的艺术特点:《丧钟为谁而鸣》的情节结构是一种 “全景的宽度”和“个别前景的深度”的结合,达到了“为了摆脱开它”而又执意去写它的矛盾的有机统一,并由此产生了作品的“深度感”,形成了作品内部的有机的,匀称的、平衡的节奏美.而这一切形成了小说时空平行组合的艺术特点.具体来说,作品情节发展中的主次关系、明暗关系、对比关系的配置都体现这一艺术特点。首先,作者利用这种结构,对作品的情节进行了主次关系的配置.作品的主要情节是乔丹奉命炸桥以及围绕这一中心所展开的一系列冲突,作者在处理主要情节时分别注意了时间和空间的多点和多维,同时又把握了动作时间的限制,给小说本身的结构带来了好处,用电影的“回述”和“交叉剪接”的方法来组织、推动情节.作者在运用诸如此类的电影化手法组织小说主要情节时,常常使主人公乔丹的意识在时间中自由流动,空间却保持不变.这种潜藏的空间的扩展造成了类似银幕空间的离心作用,从而大大加强了作品“全景的宽度”.作者通过 “剪接”,把无数其他场面 “切入”主线,使“全景的宽度”又得以在各个不同的平面上向前推进.由此形成了作品时空平行组合的特点,而主要情节的时空也因此得到了强化.
小说有6章写到为乔丹看手相,每次写为他看手相实际上都是与明线的一种“暗合”.这种“暗合”总是伴随着主人公的活动轨迹,暗示了其命运多舛.可以说这条暗线正是海明威 “冰山原则”的遗存.海明威曾说过冰山在海里移动是十分庄严宏伟的,那是因为冰山只有八分之一露在水面上… 见之笔端虽只有八分之一,而读者能够强烈感到这八分之一背后的分量.它可以唤起读者的想象力去开发隐藏的“八分之七”,使读者在强烈的感受中对现实生活作出自己的结论.作者习惯于把深邃的思想通过象征手法注入作品,形成独特的艺术表现手法,其独特性在于,他把思想表现性,大大增强了作品引人人胜的艺术魅力,更能使读者产生共鸣,生发出美感.

Space-time parallel art features: for whom the bell tolls of the structure of plot is a kind of "panoramic width" and "individual prospect of depth" union, reached the "in order to get rid of it" and determined to write its contradiction of the organic unity, and produced works "deep feeling", formed works within the organic, symmetrical balance of rhythm beauty. And all these formed a novel space-time parallel combination of artistic characteristics. Specifically, works in the development of primary and secondary relations, plot light and shade relations, contrast relations configuration is reflect this artistic characteristics. First, the authors used such structures of works by circumstances of progression allocation. The main storyline is Jordan works was ordered to fry bridge and spread around the center of a series of conflict, the author in dealing with the main plot separately paid attention to the time and space of multi-point and multi-dimensional, also mastered the action time limit, give the structure of novel itself has brought benefits, using the film "back to Assyria" and "crossover splicing" method to organize and promote plot. The author in the use of such main plot its filmic gimmick organization novel, often make hero Jordan's consciousness in time free flow and space but remain unchanged. The underlying cause of expanding space of a similar role of centrifugal screen space, thus greatly intensified works "panoramic width". The author, by "cutting", the countless other scenes "into" line, make "panoramic width" and be in various plane forward. Formed the space-time characteristics of parallel combination works, and the main plot of spacetime and therefore been enhanced.

Novels have six chapters wrote for Jordan palm reading, every time writing for his palm reading were actually a kind of "with MingXian implicate". This "agree" is always accompanied by the protagonist's activities trajectory, underlies the star-crossed lovers. Say that this article wiring is Hemingway "iceberg principle" remains. Hemingway once said an iceberg in the sea movement is very stately, that's because iceberg only one-eighth of dew on the water... See the poem encouraged although only one-eighth, and readers can strongly feel this one-eighth of weight behind. It can arouse the reader's imagination to develop hidden "seven eighths", so that readers in the strong feelings of real life make their own conclusion. The author used to the profound thought through the symbolism infuse works, forming the unique artistic expression, its uniqueness lies in his ideas expressivity, greatly enhances the works fascinating artistic charm, more can make readers resonate, expresses the respects of beauty.
第1个回答  2011-02-27
Space-time parallel art features: for whom the bell tolls of the structure of plot is a kind of "panoramic width" and "individual prospect of depth" union, reached the "in order to get rid of it" and determined to write its contradiction of the organic unity, and produced works "deep feeling", formed works within the organic, symmetrical balance of rhythm beauty. And all these formed a novel space-time parallel combination of artistic characteristics. Specifically, works in the development of primary and secondary relations, plot light and shade relations, contrast relations configuration is reflect this artistic characteristics. First, the authors used such structures of works by circumstances of progression allocation. The main storyline is Jordan works was ordered to fry bridge and spread around the center of a series of conflict, the author in dealing with the main plot separately paid attention to the time and space of multi-point and multi-dimensional, also mastered the action time limit, give the structure of novel itself has brought benefits, using the film "back to Assyria" and "crossover splicing" method to organize and promote plot. The author in the use of such main plot its filmic gimmick organization novel, often make hero Jordan's consciousness in time free flow and space but remain unchanged. The underlying cause of expanding space of a similar role of centrifugal screen space, thus greatly intensified works "panoramic width". The author, by "cutting", the countless other scenes "into" line, make "panoramic width" and be in various plane forward. Formed the space-time characteristics of parallel combination works, and the main plot of spacetime and therefore been enhanced.
Novels have six chapters wrote for Jordan palm reading, every time writing for his palm reading were actually a kind of "with MingXian implicate". This "agree" is always accompanied by the protagonist's activities trajectory, underlies the star-crossed lovers. Say that this article wiring is Hemingway "iceberg principle" remains. Hemingway once said an iceberg in the sea movement is very stately, that's because iceberg only one-eighth of dew on the water... See the poem encouraged although only one-eighth, and readers can strongly feel this one-eighth of weight behind. It can arouse the reader's imagination to develop hidden "seven eighths", so that readers in the strong feelings of real life make their own conclusion. The author used to the profound thought through the symbolism infuse works, forming the unique artistic expression, its uniqueness lies in his ideas expressivity, greatly enhances the works fascinating artistic charm, more can make readers resonate, expresses the respects of beauty.

第2个回答  2011-02-27
Art characteristics of temporal and spatial parallel : The plot of the " death knell for whom the ring structures is a kind of " full - width " and " depth of individual prospects ", and achieved " in order to ward off " and insisted on going to write it the organic unity of contradictions and from work " in - depth " internal organic formation works, symmetry and balance beauty of rhythm. all this forms a Novel space - time parallel combined the artistic characteristics. specifically, the works plot in the development of major and minor relationship, values and comparison of configuration expression of the Artistic Characteristics of the relations. First of all, the authors use this structure, the plot had a major and minor relationship between the distribution of work. the works of main plot Jordan was bombed bridges and launched a series of conflict around the center, the author when handling major plot also pay attention to multi - point in time and space and multi - dimensional, and grasp the limit of time, brought benefits to the structure of the novel itself, with the film " The " and " cross cut " approach to organize and promote a plot. the author film trick in the use of such organizations when the novel main plot, often heroine of the Jordan free - flowing in time and space remains unchanged. the hidden space expansion caused similar centrifugal screen space, thus greatly strengthening the work of " full - width. " the author by " cutting " and numerous other scenes " into the " main line, " Panorama of the width of " advance on different planes. temporal and spatial characteristics of the parallel composite formation works, but the plot space - time have also been strengthened. There are 6 wrote to Jordan palm reading the novel, palm reading is actually written to him and bright line " agree without prior consultation. " This kind of " agree without prior consultation " is always accompanied by hero activity trajectory, suggesting that its 命运多舛. it can be said that the BLIND STITCH is Hemingway " the tip of an iceberg principle " remains. Hemingway said the tip of the iceberg in the sea move is a very solemn and magnificent, It is because only one-eighth with an iceberg in writing or painting on the surface ... although only one-eighth, and readers can feel strongly behind the one-eighth components. it can arouse the reader's imagination to develop hidden " seven-eighths ", so that readers in strong sense of reality of life to make your own conclusions. The authors are used to symbolism into deep thought by work, forming a unique artistic expression, is unique, he thought, greatly enhancing the work of people who wins the artistic charm, and it can also give a response, the issue of beauty.