
This study investigated the relationship between faculty's perception of organizational culture types of universities and their preferences for instruction and counselling responsibilities. The results of interaction of organizational culture types with demographic characteristics i.e. gender, academic rank, years of service, and university type indicated that faculties, who have recognized the organizational culture type of their organization adhocracy, were more effective in their job related responsibilities which is counselling and instruction. The adhocracy culture is a culture which emphasizes flexibility, individuality, and spontaneity. It is characterized by an emphasis on external positioning, a long term time frame, and achievement-oriented activities. Universities possessing adhocracy culture are innovative and adaptable, as there is no form of centralized power or authority relationships . Within an adhocracy, “power flows from individual to individual or from task team to task team depending on what problem is being addressed at the time” . With considering the fact that adhocracy culture is a type of culture that is more responsive and flexible to the hyper turbulent, ever-accelerating conditions, furthermore has higher capacity for presenting new services and products, faculties have the opportunity to get more involved in researches which are of very high quality, act more efficient in teaching and participate more in social services in either local or national levels. Therefore, aforementioned features in adhocracy culture make faculties know their managers as innovators and entrepreneurs .In such a culture because faculties are sure about their managers' support; they would act more efficient in areas of research and social services. Furthermore, they use voluntarily more creative methods in areas of research, teaching and social services. On the other hand universities with Market Culture are primarily concerned with external environment, as they focuse on transactions with such externalities as suppliers, customers, contractors, licensees, unions, regulators, etc. The market culture operates primarily through monetary exchange, as competitiveness and productivity in these organizations are dependent on strong external positioning and control. Additionally, in market culture because managers are considered as competitors, hard drivers and producers, faculties try more to fulfil their responsibilities in the framework which is defined for them. In addition they are not interested in areas such social services and research which is out of this framework. As a result, all of these features have impeded faculties to not involve completely in their job related responsibilities.

第1个回答  2011-03-04




第2个回答  2011-03-04