
1.请业主自收到本通知单后,于本月16号前主动到物业收费处交费,逾期按规定每日加收总金额千分之三的滞纳金. 2.本收费通知单不作为收费凭据,仅供参考.如有特殊情况,请拔打财务电话. 3.2003年7月1日物业费调整为4.25元/平米 电梯费不单独收取

1. Asks the owner since to receive this written notice, pays fee onown initiative in front of this month 16 to the property toll house,exceeds the time limit receives the total amount 3/1,000 fine fordelayed payment every day according to stipulation Canada 2. Thischarge written notice did not take the charge proof, only supplies thereference If has the peculiar circumstance, please pull out makes thefinancial phone call 3.2003 years on July 1 the property spends theadjustment is 4.25 Yuan/square meter elevators spends not alonegathers
第1个回答  2007-06-15
1. Requests received from the owners of this Notice, on the 16th of this month at the initiative of the property before the toll booths in Malaysia, Late on a daily increase of the total amount of three thousandths of late. 2. The charges do not notice as unsupported charges, for reference purposes only. if there are special circumstances, Please phoned Finance telephone. 3.2003, the July 1st fee adjustment for property 4.25 yuan / m 2 lifts not separate admission fee admission