

Viggo Mortensen

1958年10月20日出生于纽约,父亲是丹麦人,母亲是美国人,从小在曼哈顿出生长大,会说英语,西班牙语和丹麦语。因为父母经常旅行,所以Viggo有几年的时间是待在委内瑞拉,阿根廷,埃及和丹麦,之后,他开始在纽约表演,并在舞台及银幕上演出过几次。搬到L.A.之后,Viggo在Coast Playhouse(海岸剧场)以"Bent"一剧得到剧评奖。

除了戏剧演出,Viggo也是位诗人(出版过诗集)也是位画家(曾出版多本画作,在Amazon都买的到)。在成名前,Viggo就出了一本名为《Ten Last Night》的诗集,同时还曾于2002年在L.A.的16号铁道画廊以及雅典当代艺术的戴斯特基金会展示他的摄影绘画作品。

第一部电影《证人》中没有台词,镜头却不少; 《兄弟情仇》中神经兮兮的家伙;《角头风云》里操着一口意大利式英语的痂子老大;《赤色风暴》里明辨是非的长官;《伴我一世情》里的风度翩翩男子;《十万火急》中自以为是的媒体工作者;《魔鬼女大兵》最后被黛咪打的半死不活的坏蛋;甚至到《超完美谋杀案》把葛妮丝迷的团团转的性感男子以及《28天》中吃力不讨好的第三者角。


在2001年的《魔戒首部曲》让Viggo更为人所知,其实导演Peter Jackson对Aragorn这角色的首选并不是Viggo,而是莎莉赛隆的爱尔兰演员男友Stuart Townsend,而Viggo直到拍开前两周才接获演出此角的通知。在剧组休息时,他偶尔会到附近去钓鱼,因为那里自然环境真的很棒,在与拍戏环境相去不远的美丽景色围绕下,有助于他在开工时,快速重新进入状况。Viggo曾经和乐团主唱Exene Cervenka有过十年的婚姻,且有一个十五岁大的儿子Henry,两人曾同时出现在电影《赤色风暴》中。 。《魔戒》之后他还接拍了两部新戏,其中一部是迪斯尼的《沙漠奇兵》(Hidalgo),这是根据真人真事改编的作品,维果在其中扮演一位骑骏马横穿沙漠的牛仔,该片将于2004年上映。他的新片《暴力史》2005年12月08日上映后取得里强烈的反响。

维果·摩根斯坦是那种“多才多艺”型的明星,他通晓英语、西班牙语和丹麦语,成名之前曾经出版过诗集,搞过摄影展,还发行了三张爵士乐的CD。但他最大的成就还是在舞台和银幕上。 摩根斯坦热爱马术,拍摄《指环王》时,为了与座骑建立良好的关系,他在无戏可拍时也与马形影不离。《沙漠骑手》显然也是利用了这一特长。

1.Alatriste AS …… Capitán Diego Alatriste (2006)
2.《暴力史》A History of Violence AS …… Tom Stall (2005)
3.《魔戒迷踪》Ringers: Lord of the Fans AS …… Himself (2005)
4.Wild Horse Preservation AS …… Narrator (voice) (2005)
5.As Smart As They Are: The Author Project AS …… Himself (2005)
6.The Daily Show Episode dated 27 September 2005 AS …… Himself (2005)
7.Go' aften Danmark Episode dated 12 October 2005 AS …… Himself - Actor (2005)
8.《沙漠骑兵》Hidalgo AS …… Frank Hopkins (2004)
9.Ringens disipler (2004)
10.DNZ: The Real Middle Earth AS …… Himself/Aragorn (archive footage) (2004)
11.Cheshmane John Malkovich 1: Viggo Mortensen AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)
12.America's First Horse: Hidalgo and the Spanish Mustang (2004)
13.《魔戒三部曲:王者再临》The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King AS …… Aragorn (2003)
14.2003 MTV Movie Awards AS …… Himself (2003)
15.The Lord of the Rings: The Quest Fulfilled AS …… Himself (2003)
16.The 1st Annual Spacey Awards AS …… Himself (2003)
17.《魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋》The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers AS …… Aragorn (2002)
18.Lord of the Piercing AS …… Aragorn (archive footage) (2002)
19.Making the Movie AS …… Himself (2002)
20.《魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身》The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring AS …… Aragorn (2001)
21.Quest for the Ring AS …… Himself/Aragorn/Strider (2001)
22.A Passage to Middle-earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings' AS …… Himself (2001)
23.《28天》28 Days AS …… Eddie Boone (2000)
24.《月球漫步》A Walk on the Moon AS …… Walker Jerome (1999)
25.《1999惊魂记》Psycho AS …… Samuel 'Sam' Loomis (1998)
26.《超完美谋杀案》A Perfect Murder AS …… David Shaw (1998)
27.《伴我雄心》G.I. Jane AS …… Master Chief John James 'Jack' Urgayle (1997)
28.《人命关天》Vanishing Point AS …… Jimmy Kowalski (1997)
29.Pistola de mi hermano, La AS …… Juanito (1997)
30.《龙出生天》Daylight AS …… Roy Nord (1996)
31.《淑女本色》The Portrait of a Lady AS …… Caspar Goodwood (1996)
32.《白色鳄鱼》Albino Alligator AS …… Guy Foucard (1996)
33.《战栗女人香》The Passion of Darkly Noon AS …… Clay (1996)
34.《魔翼杀手》The Prophecy AS …… Lucifer (1995)
35.Black Velvet Pantsuit AS …… Worthless Junkie (1995)
36.Gimlet AS …… Hombre (Man) (1995)
37.《终极死航》The Crew AS …… Phillip (1994)
38.《挣扎》Floundering AS …… Homeless Man (1994)
39.《情枭的黎明》Carlito's Way AS …… Lalin (1993)
40.《热血干探》Boiling Point AS …… Ronnie (1993)
41.《决战计划》American Yakuza AS …… Nick Davis/David Brandt (1993)
42.《开罗红宝石》Ruby Cairo AS …… John E. 'Johnny' Faro (1993)
43.Ewangelia wedlug Harry'ego AS …… Wes (1993)
44.《兄弟情仇》The Indian Runner AS …… Frank Roberts (1991)
45.《德州电锯杀人狂3》Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III AS …… Tex (1990)
46.《年轻枪手2》Young Guns II AS …… John W. Poe (1990)
47.Tripwire AS …… Hans (1990)
48.Once In a Blue Moon (1990)
49.The Reflecting Skin AS …… Cameron Dove (1990)
50.Fresh Horses AS …… Green (1988)
51.Prison AS …… Burke/Forsythe Electrocution (1988)
52.Salvation! AS …… Jerome Stample (1987)
53.《证人》Witness AS …… Moses Hochleitner (1985)
54.《开罗紫玫瑰》The Purple Rose of Cairo AS …… (scenes deleted) (1985)
55."Search for Tomorrow" AS …… Bragg (1985) (1951)
56.The Ring Comes Full Circle (2005) AS …… Himself
57.The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (2004) AS …… Aragon (voice) (archive footage)
58.The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) AS …… Aragorn (voice) (archive footage)
59.George Washington (1984) AS …… Lieutenant at LeBoeuf
60.The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) AS …… (archive footage)
61.The Saw Is Family: Making 'Leatherface' (2003) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
62.The Making of 'The Lord of the Rings' (2002) AS …… Himself
63.Between Two Worlds: The Making of 'Witness' (2005) AS …… Himself
64.《红潮风暴》Crimson Tide


第1个回答  2007-06-07