哪位高手帮忙翻译一下下面这篇文章  谢谢了  急用

我叫 ,今年21岁,身高1.7米,男性。我的总体学习成绩较好,但我的英语成绩并不是特别理想,但我从未对英语放弃过,因为我知道英语在未来会越来越重要。所以我想申请本项目,让我到美国去,在英语的环境下我相信我的英语能有一个质的飞跃。

I'm, 21 years old, 1.7 meters tall, male. My overall academic performance is better, but my English is not particularly good, but I never gave up on English, because I know that English will become increasingly important in the future. So I want to apply for this project, so I went to the United States, in the English environment, I believe my English can have a qualitative leap.
Second, compared to domestic and foreign way of education is more open, especially the United States, focus more on ability, there is no standard answer, students can put forward their own ideas, the teacher did not be authoritative, and can generate questions about their views This educational methods more conducive to divergent thinking ability, is conducive to my growth. At the same time I was in America to work with exchange students from around the world, training, cross-cultural thinking and the formation of an international perspective, the growth of his life that are very favorable. Then there are students as well as for shaping the character of people living alone is very beneficial ability.
Learning about the future plans, first of all, I will seize the time to improve my English as soon as possible, for me better in the United States during the period to lay the foundation with foreigners. If I went to the United States, I will be diligent and exchange students from around the world, I believe, better able to improve my English. Secondly, I will study hard elective subjects to adapt to American education.
第1个回答  2011-05-24

有了 补充了
