汉译英1.我们决定去海南度假2.每天花我半小时时间读英语 2种 3.上周末,史密斯先生一家人离开北京4.我认为

汉译英1.我们决定去海南度假2.每天花我半小时时间读英语 2种 3.上周末,史密斯先生一家人离开北京4.我认为颐和园是度假的好地方5.他们讨论这个问题很开心6.在餐馆里没有好吃的东西

1. We have decided to take a vacation in Hainan.
2. It takes me half an hour to read English every day.
3. Last weekend, the Smith family left Beijing.
4. I think the Summer Palace is a great place for vacation.
5. They are happy to discuss this problem.
6. There is nothing good to eat in this restaurant.

5. 在英文语法里,形容词 (adjectives) - (开心) 既然是形容“他们”,那 "happy" 就理所当然地要形容 “they". 楼主自己定夺.
6. "to taste good" 本身就有语法的错误.
第1个回答  2011-05-24
1.We decided to go to hainan for holiday .

2.I spend half an hour reading English every day.
It takes me half an hour to read English every day.

3.Last weekend, the Smiths left Beijing.

4. I think the Summer Palace is a good place to spend the holidays.

5. They discussed the problem very happy.

6. In a restaurant , there is nothing to taste good,

第2个回答  2011-05-23
1.We decided to go to hainan for my holiday.
2.Half an hour every day to spend my reading English.
3.Last weekend, Mr. Smith family leave Beijing.
4.I think the Summer Palace is of a good place for the holidays .
5. They discuss the problem very happy .
6. In a restaurant without treats .本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-05-23
1、We decided to go to hainan for our holiday .
2、It takes me a half hour to read English./ I spend a half hour in reading English.
3、Last weekend ,Mr. Smith family leave Beijing.
4、I think the Summer Palace is a good place for the holidays.
5、They discussed this question is very happy.
6、In a restaurant without treats.