word 的样式中的“ 链接段落和字符”类型是什么意思



Word 2007对设置样式这块有了一些变动。其中引入了一种新的样式类型:“链接段落和字符”。在中文各大网站,鲜有人回答或知道具体这是一个什么样式类型。于是只有往更加专业的英文技术站点搜寻。功夫不负有心人,在英文站点,一批非常专业的微软 MVP,准确和快速地解答了这个疑惑!
Creating a linked style as a new Quick Style shouldn't cause you any problems.
A linked style is a hybrid of a paragraph style and a character style; it is marked by a pilcrow followed by an "a" in the Styles task pane. Many built-in styles in Word 2007 Quick Style sets are linked styles including all 9
heading styles, Quote, Title, Subtitle, etc.
If a linked style is applied to a selection that is less than an entire paragraph, the selected text will take on the font formatting of the linked style but the paragraph style applied to the paragraph will remain unchanged. In so doing a hidden character style in the form “linked style name char” is created; this character style does not appear in the Styles task pane or the Style Inspector but does appear in the Reveal Formatting task pane.
One common use of linked styles (all heading styles are linked styles) is to apply a heading style to the *beginning* word(s) in a paragraph; doing this not only applies the font formatting from the heading style but also tags the selected text so that it can appear in a table of contents (References tab, Table of Contents group, Table of Contents); the tagging only works on the beginning words in a paragraph.
To change formatting of the text to which this type of character style has been applied, you must select the text and either apply a different true paragraph style such as the Normal style to the selected text or simply press CTRL+SPACEBAR (removes the font formatting).
If applied to a selection greater than an entire paragraph, both font formatting settings and paragraph formatting setting will be applied from the style and the linked style will replace the previous paragraph style in all wholly or partially selected paragraphs.
If no text is selected and a linked style is applied to a paragraph, the linked style will function just like a paragraph style and will replace the previous paragraph style (or linked style).
To disable the linking feature of linked styles, thereby making them function as paragraph styles, check the Disable Linked Styles check box in the Styles task pane (Home tab, Styles group, Styles Dialog Box Launcher); disabling the feature removes the likelihood that you will inadvertently apply font formatting to selected text when you intended to apply the paragraph style (actually the linked style) to the entire paragraph.
随后,顺便搜寻到了有关 Word 2007 多极列表的改变解决方案。在此特感谢 MVP 的专业和认真的态度!实在让人钦佩!
Hmm, apparently you are now using Word 2007. :-)
To edit a numbering scheme in Word 2007: Place the insertion point in a
top-level list item. Click Multilevel List (on the Home tab of the ribbon),
and then choose Define New Multilevel List; this will display the Define New
Multilevel List dialog box, which corresponds to the Customize Outline
Numbered List dialog box in previous versions.

接下来,段落样式不仅包含了字符格式的集合,还涉及到段落格式,如缩进、行距、段前段后间距等。段落样式允许我们统一管理文档中相同类型的段落格式,简化了格式化工作,特别是对于包含多个段落的文档。此外,链接段落和字符样式是Word 2007之后引入的特性,它们结合了段落样式和字符样式的优点,同时具备两种样式...

根据作用范围,Word文档可分为几种不同的样式:段落样式、字符样式、链接段落和表格样式等。它们应用特性如下: 字符样式:以字符为最小套用单位的样式。换而言之,它可以方便的套用与选取的任意文字之上。段落样式:以段落为最小套用单位的样式。即使选取段落内一部分文字,套用时该样式也会自动套用至整个...

Word 2007中的样式类型?Word 2007中有五种不同类型的样式-段落,字符,链接,表和列表-每种样式有不同的用途。段落:段落样式包含任何格式:段落,缩进,制表符,字体,文本大小,属性-您可以为其命名。段落样式可以设置所有标准段落或字符格式的格式,也可以格式化两者的一部分,也可以仅格式化其中任一...


word 的样式中的“ 链接段落和字符”类型是什么意思
Word 2007对设置样式这块有了一些变动。其中引入了一种新的样式类型:“链接段落和字符”。在中文各大网站,鲜有人回答或知道具体这是一个什么样式类型。于是只有往更加专业的英文技术站点搜寻。功夫不负有心人,在英文站点,一批非常专业的微软 MVP,准确和快速地解答了这个疑惑!Creating a linked style ...


Word 2007 样式任务窗格中的禁用链接样式是什么意思?

在“样式类型”下拉列表中包含五种类型:(1)段落:新建的样式将应用于段落级别; (2)字符:新建的样式将仅用于字符级别; (3)链接段落和字符:新建的样式将用于段落和字符两种级别; (4)表格:新建的样式主要用于表格; (5)列表:新建的样式主要用于项目符号和编号列表选择一种样式类型,...

MS Word“从零开始”与“从一开始”的使用说明——战术篇
在MS Word中,样式是格式控制的核心。样式分为5种:段落样式、字符样式、链接段落和字符样式、列表样式和表格样式。除了前三种样式,还有两种特别的样式——列表样式和表格样式。列表样式属于段落格式,它包括多级列表和自动编号,但不会像其他样式一样保存在样式窗格中,而是保存在段落窗格的“多级列表”中...

